Chapter 9

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I've calmed down by the time I go to the cafeteria to have lunch. I spent the last hours lying on my bed, thinking about that stupid simulation I've had again. Although it was a little different from the last one, the essence of it came down to pretty much the same: I'm still afraid of moving on with Tobias. My subconscious hasn't changed its mind the way my consciousness has. I'm more relaxed around Tobias after the weekend, after all the stuff we talked about, after all the kisses we shared, and still my fear hasn't dissolved. Hopefully we can talk about it sometime soon. I don't want to carry that uneasy feeling, which comes up every time we part with issues unsolved between us, around with me until tomorrow. It makes me agitated in a way I haven't known before I met him.

My mood improves when I sit with my friends in the cafeteria to eat. I chose spaghetti today and the others laugh about my attempts to maneuver them into my mouth without spilling too much sauce on my sweatshirt. I've never eaten them before, since in Abnegation we didn't have pasta at all because it isn't considered as simple as potatoes or rice. So far, I've tried different sorts of pasta in Dauntless, but never those long noodles that result so difficult to eat. Why would anyone come up with the idea of shaping them that way?

"As much as I like to brighten up your day, can anyone please help me with those?" I laugh, looking around the table.

The mood is light today, since everyone has had a chance to sleep calmly in their own bed last night, and we have the rest of the day to ourselves. Christina shakes her head at me as if she can't believe it's possible to capitulate to a plate of spaghetti while Will has her arm around her shoulders and can't take his eyes off her. Uriah is shaking with laughter and Marlene keeps elbowing him to stop it and be a little more polite. Even Lynn can't help but smile at me.

I raise my eyebrows at them, "Anyone? Please?"

"Wait, I'll show you how it works," Uriah chuckles.

He leaves and slumps down again in front of me after a couple of seconds with a serving of pasta for himself.

"Watch and learn," he advises, sounding like the teachers back at school.

I observe how he sticks his fork into the mountain of spaghetti, then moves the fork against his spoon and pauses to give me a wink. I copy what he's doing when he begins to turn the fork around extra-slowly, rolling the spaghetti around it.

"See? It's not too difficult. After the training in first stage you should manage it," Uriah teases me with a smirk on his face, but a friendly one.

I look him straight in the eye right before I put my fork full of rolled up pasta in my mouth and retort, "Well, I think I can when even you can do it, although it seems you're a little slow rolling them up."

And we burst out in laughter again.


"Hey Tris, what are you up to this afternoon?" Christina asks me when we step into the pit after lunch. "Want to visit my apartment?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. Do you like it?"

"Absolutely. I love having a place to myself where no one gets on my nerves."

I smile at her Candor honesty.

"Come on, let's go," she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her.

"Hey Chris, where are you going?" Will shouts after us.

"Showing Tris my new room," she calls back to him.

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