Chapter 11

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What a night! First all those revelations about Erudite and their strange connection to Dauntless, and now I stand somewhere outside, waiting alone in the darkness. I wonder what Tobias is up to. Different ideas keep crossing my mind; I suppose we're somewhere near the fair, but I'm not entirely sure. When he left me, I heard a door squeak and then close. How long will he make me wait here? He said two minutes. They must be almost over, I think.

Finally, I hear the squeaking sound again and soon Tobias is standing behind me. I feel his breath tickle my neck when he speaks close to my ear.

"Don't expect too much. I just wanted to take you to a place that has a meaning for us. For our relationship."

I shiver at his choice of words. To hear him referring to us like that makes me want to kiss him right away.

His hands untie the scarf and when he pulls it away I find us standing in front of the Ferris wheel. The memories of the night we passed here return and I recall how he saved my life. Right in front of me is a rusty gondola, its door standing ajar. Inside Tobias has spread the blanket on the floor and scattered some small cushions on it. The leather bench on the right is covered with a thin towel which serves as a tablecloth. On it are two delicious-looking sandwiches, two small apples, a bottle of sparkling lime lemonade and two glasses. On the left bench, three candles flicker in the darkness. The metal candelabra that hold them are fastened to the chapped leather with black tape.

I stare at the scenery in disbelief. It's easily the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me. I look at Tobias and he smiles shyly at me. Lost for words, I take two steps forward and enter the gondola. It starts swaying gently from side to side, the movement pleasant. I sit down on the floor and, although it's covered by the blanket, it still feels like floor, hard and a little uncomfortable, but not too cold. I extend my hand to Tobias to invite him to join me, and he climbs in, carefully bowing his head, pulls the door close and sits down beside me.

"Thank you for this," I gesture around us.

"You're welcome," he says. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes, please."

He pours us some lemonade. "I got the idea yesterday when I walked around here to free my mind. I saw the Ferris wheel and it reminded me of the night we played capture the flag."

"How could I forget that? You saved my life for the first time that night."

I take a glass from him and we both drink. I shudder remembering those moments in which I was clinging to that one single metal bar for dear life.

"I hope I won't have to make a habit out of that in the future," Tobias says half-serious, half-joking.

"Believe me, I'm not too keen on putting myself in danger again anytime soon. Not without an important reason."

"That's good to know."

We sit there in silence for a while, sipping on our lemonade. It's sour, yet not too much, and it's tingling on my tongue. I've never had this kind before, and I like its refreshing taste.

"When I came here yesterday, I did not only think of that stunt of yours. The Ferris wheel also reminded me how you made me brave enough to climb up after you. You inspired me to fight my fear of heights, so from now on I'll always think of that night when I have to face one of my fears."

He keeps his eyes cast down all the time he's speaking and only after he has finished he looks up. Somehow I like it when he's a little shy around me. To everyone else he's known as Four, and they are intimidated by his behavior and his physical strength and only with me he's Tobias. To me he shows who he truly is. I appreciate it, a lot. And it always makes me want to take him into my arms and reassure him. Now is no exception. I kiss him gently.

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