Chapter 35

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I still have half an hour left before the beginning of my night shift, so I go over to visit Tris. Although we've spent some time together today, we didn't have any of it in private and I'm anxious to take her into my arms and kiss her.

Apparently Tris feels the same, since we quickly end up kissing on her sofa with her lying above me, moving her hips against mine. It's so sexy whenever she's brave enough to take the lead.

I stop her when she starts pushing up my shirt, though. I need to talk to her about my conversation with Lauren before we can continue what we're doing.

Tris looks at me in surprise as I gently lead her hands back up from under the fabric.

"You don't want that?"

"I do, but first I have to ask you something. I'm sure you know Lauren talked to me this morning, because she wanted to talk to you afterwards. I was just wondering... Your simulation, it made her think I was trying to pressure you into having sex with me in order for you to pass initiation. I must say that I was shocked she would think of me like that."

It's difficult to look Tris in the eye while I admit how much Lauren's accusations affected me.

Tris immediately sits up in my lap. "Me too. I couldn't believe what she was saying, and I think I gave away my feelings for you when I got angry and started shouting at her."

My eyes travel back to her face, her anger visible in her whole composure, her voice raised.

"I told her how ridiculous it was, since you would never ever do something like that. Now she knows about us, but frankly, I don't care. I could never have left without getting this straight."

Following a sudden impulse, I sit up, take her face in my hands and crash my lips onto hers. She's taken by surprise, and it takes her a second to react. But then she opens her mouth to me, and we let our tongues swirl around each other's. I hold her tightly, overwhelmed by how protective she felt over me and how she defended me to Lauren, and Tris roams her hands over my back under my shirt. We pull away when we run out of air, needing to breathe.

"What was that kiss for?" Tris asks, her arms still wrapped around me.

"Your rant just convinced me that you don't see me like that at all."

Her expression softens and she leans her forehead against mine.

"You were afraid that I'd feel pushed by you," she whispers.

I swallow. "A part of you," I admit.

"Well, I don't. Those fears are about my own insecurities, not about you pressuring me. You've always respected me and my limits. That's why I trust you. That's why I'm willing to get over my fears for you."

"And also for you, I hope."

"Yes, of course. For us. With you."

She kisses me again, and I can't resist her. I lay back down and pull her with me, place my hands on her cute ass and press her firmly against me. She holds on to me tightly as we move in unison.

I wish we had more time together now, I'm sure we would take another step tonight. But unfortunately, I have to go, and stopping her from grinding her hips against me is about the hardest thing I can imagine.

Tris lets out a frustrated sigh. "Do you really have to go?"

"I wish I didn't have to. I could do this with you all night."

"Me too."

She kisses along my jawline up to my ear, and then whispers, "I think I would like to tackle my other fear from that last simulation as soon as possible."

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