Chapter 7

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We walk silently side by side and my urge to hold Tris' hand and pull her close is strong. I tell myself to wait another minute until we're alone, hoping she'll invite me in, because after the discovery I made in Eric's office I need her near me. I still debate whether I should tell her what I've seen, but I don't want to ruin the evening for her, for us.

It's a big step moving into an apartment to live on your own, and it should be a positive one. I still remember my first days in mine and how much I enjoyed having a place all to myself, where I could do or not do whatever I liked. During initiation, I had been craving for a little privacy because it had been so foreign for me to share a room, let even the showers, with other people. In Abnegation those things are considered private and nobody would ever share a bathroom at the same time.

We reach the apartment at last and I stop at the door and take out the key to unlock it. I hope Tris will like her new room.

"Welcome home," I say when I open the door and gesture her to go in before me.

She walks in slowly and takes a look around, taking in the details.

When she turns around to me she smiles widely, "Wow, that's much more than I expected. Everything looks great. And the view is absolutely stunning! Thank you."

She hugs me and I'm so, so glad that I can finally put my arms around her and inhale her scent. I've missed it all day, but only now do I realize how much. We stand there in the middle of the room for a while, breathing calmly, and I feel myself relax more and more.

"Do you want to sit down on my couch?" Tris eventually asks me with a smile. "Because now I've got one, too."

"Yes, very much," I reply, returning her smile as I walk over and sit down on the black sofa. It's not new, but it was the best one available for the initiate's rooms. I made sure to pick it for Tris.

"I'd offer you something to drink, but I'm afraid I'll have to go shopping first, I'm sorry."

"You'll find some basic supplies in the kitchen. Take a look."

I watch her go over and open the cupboards and drawers. It's not much, but I brought some food earlier for her. Tris takes a bottle of apple juice out of the fridge and pours some in two glasses, takes them over to me and hands me one before she sits down beside me.

"Here you are. There are no other drinks, unless you want to have milk."

I know.

"Thanks. I'm fine with juice. I don't fancy having a beer after last night anyway."

She's suddenly very interested in the floor, clearly embarrassed.

"Speaking of last night... I don't think I'll ever drink that much alcohol again. I spent half the day in bed, sleeping. Christina offered me some pills to ease the headache."

"Don't worry, it happens to all the transfers sooner or later. You have to find your limit first. Next time you'll go slower, I suppose."

"If there's a next time."

I recall having the same thoughts after my first hangover and smile at her knowingly.

"Maybe not too soon, but someday. You can't avoid drinks at Dauntless, especially not at parties."

"I was afraid you'd scold me for getting drunk," she admits.

"I thought about that, but then I figured your hangover would do that without my assistance. You're clever enough to draw your own conclusions."

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