happy (almost) september!

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Just a friendly update (and some questions lmao)

So i started school today!! Im in the 11th grade, and basically now that im in school ill probably be writing a whole lot more than over the summer :)

Aaand on the subject of writing... Do you guys like delimoo or brytoonz? It's for something "special" that I'm working on :3c

I can't exactly promise either will be what you expected, but hey! I'm having fun working on both, just wanna know what i should finish first.

Also how do you guys feel about cheese? I tried to bite the wrapper to this tiny cheese my brother had and it turned out the wrapper was wax so i bit straight through it :')

It was kinda awkward but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

please save me, school is lame and i have art 1st period and i suck ass at art. and i have pre calculus next and tHEN I HAVE HONORS PSYCHOLOGY AND I DIDNT EVEN SIGN UP FOR ART WTFF

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