sp00ky halloween surprise

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smut???? From me???? jk its smut free. its also short bc ive been busy prepping for other holiday related things (aka my birthday lmao gotta get myself that sweet bday gift fic)

i feel like this is rushed but??? Actually tbh it kinda is,,,, wrote this on sunday night and finished it up today. Was a last minute decision.

Also happy halloween!!! Tell me what yall are doing or else im gonna slap all of y'all with a pumpkin fist. I'm giving out candy with my baby brother today. He's 9 weeks old and isn't very helpful.


“This is so stupid.” Bryce whines loudly as they walk down the path to the old cabin, the one that belonged to Jonathan's family. They had just left a Halloween party, and now they were walking down the path to Jon’s cabin to spend the night. It was to get into the spooky spirit or something like that, he had been told.

He's not very fond of his costume. He wanted them to all be matching, like cute boyfriends do, but they had other plans. That's how Bryce ended up like this- in some stupid angel dress, a feathery, sparkly hem coming down halfway to his knees. The light, glittery wings Jon had to help him into are pressing lightly against his back, occasionally sliding down and making Bryce shudder from the feathery touches. He had wanted to take it off, but he wasn't wearing anything underneath and all their extra clothes were at the cabin already.

“Come on, Bryce. It's like we're in a horror movie! I'll be the fearless strong man, Ohm is the guy who dies first-”

“We're all gonna die out here if we keep this up!”

“-you're the pretty girl who probably gets fucked and then dies, and Toonz is gonna be the one who probably shoots the killer in the head.”

Bryce sighs quietly, shaking his head. “Why am I always put as the girl? I think Ohm can be girly.”

Ryan, who is on the other side of Jonathan, smirks at Bryce playfully. “Uh, who's the one in the dress again?”

This makes Bryce glare at him and adjust his skirt angrily. “You know, Delirious was supposed to wear this. It's not my fault he's a baby who couldn't accept- OW, Delirious!” Bryce jumps at the feeling of Jonathan slapping his butt, glaring at said man. “What the heck, Delirious?”

“Sorry man, I just needed to show off my boyfriend's sexy ass to the other sexy boyfriends!” Jonathan grins, pulling his stupid teddy hoodie up. “One of us has to be the pretty one, Brycey. You were the one who wanted to go matching!”

“Yeah, matching! Meaning none of us having to wear stupid angel dresses! We're not even matching! In what universe do angels and teddy bears interact with a magician and a freaking pirate?!”

Luke chuckles. He's dressed as some cliche pirate, an eyepatch over one eye and a silly plastic sword in his hand. “Come on, baby. Don't be silly. Why would he ever be an angel? You're the most angelic out of all of us.”

“Let's be real,” Ryan scoffs. “Were we really getting Delirious out of his teddy bear onesie? It was either me or you, and I'm sorry Bryce but that dress wouldn't fit me in a million years.”

Bryce glares at Ryan. He wants to slap the smug grin off his face. “We have two, Ryan. We have two.”

His stupid little plastic halo is falling off his head, and he uses this as an excuse to stop walking and turn his back to them.

Arms wrap around him almost immediately, and Bryce yelps as he's scooped up off his feet. Luke cackles loudly above him, throwing Bryce over his shoulder. “We got ourselves a fighter, boys! Grab his shoe and let's get this cutie ready for some fun!”

The others all laugh as Bryce wriggles around, Jonathan grabbing Bryce's shoe that fell off. Luke begins to run to the cabin, Jon and Ryan right behind them. Bryce sighs and admits defeat, allowing himself to be carried the whole way there.

When they get inside, it's dark and creepy inside. They were here earlier though, so thankfully this place should be clear of spiders and other creepy things.

“Can I get down now?”

“Nope! It's time for me to get some booty.” Luke grins at Bryce, setting him down on the couch. Bryce blushes, giggling regardless.

He reaches up to pull Luke closer, kissing him sweetly. Almost immediately he feels hands on his butt, making him pull away and scold Luke. “Stop grabbing my butt. Why are all of you so needy today?”

Luke smirks, beginning to unbutton his shirt. “It's not my fault you look so pretty dressed up like that! I'd go for Del too, but that onesie means he isn't as easy to access, if you know what I mean.”

Bryce giggles and begins to help Luke out of his shirt. “Mm… You mean my butt does look cute in the skirt?”

“It'll look cuter out of it, yeah. Come on, baby, let me help you out of that.”

Hands are sliding up his sides, pulling his wings off and pushing the halo off his head. Bryce skillfully rolls out from under Luke as soon as he feels hands trying to undo the zipper to his dress and pull the shimmery white dress off of him.

Luke gives him a disappointed look. This clearly wasn't how he wanted it to go.

Bryce just smiles in response, crossing his legs and looking at Luke innocently. “Put on a show for me. Come on, I know you've been dying to show off those muscles of yours,” he giggles.

There's a faint scratching outside, something thumping against the window. Bryce doesn't care, but Luke sure does. He glances towards the window for a brief second, Bryce quickly pulling his attention back with a kiss, shamelessly grabbing at Luke's wonderful ass.

Luke’s smug grin is immediately back on his face and his hands pushing Bryce back onto the couch. He starts pulling his clothes off, putting on a “sexy” show for Bryce. Or, really, as sexy as taking off clothes can be. Bryce just wanted to distract Luke while Jon and Ryan find a way to scare him out of the house. Though, it would be a lot funnier if he was half naked when they lock him out…

Not completely naked, though. They don't wanna scare away all the animals.

Luke's staring at him again, now in nothing but his underwear. Bryce frowns at this, standing up to cup his cheek. “Hey, is something wrong?”

“There's a fucking-!” Luke's voice is cut off by Bryce's strangled cry as a hand wraps around his neck and yanks him backwards. He can feel something press against his throat, cold and metal, and then something wet running down to his chest.

He's thrown aside after that little show, landing safely on the floor thanks to a couple pillows strategically placed to soften his fall. Luke doesn't know that, though. There's some screaming, yelling, some screeching of metal and banging of wood, and then the door slams shut with a bang.

Then there's laughter and the distinct sound of Luke's angry yelling. Bryce gets up, wiping the fake blood off of his body and fixing the now bloodied dress. He rubs his neck gently, pouting slightly as he walks back into the living room.

“Delirious, you said it would be gentle!”

“Did he- oh my fuck,” Ryan gasps, coming over to Bryce and examining his neck. “Delirious! You left marks all over his neck and shoulders!”

A kiss is what he recieves next. “No worse when you get to him in bed, I mean.” Jonathan is laughing, wrapping his arm around Bryce's body. “I'm sorry.”

“It's okay,” Bryce says. He leans down to kiss his boyfriend and smiles as Jonathan yanks him closer. “How did you guys even get him out?”

Jon shrugs. “I pretended to- to murder you, guess it hurt his feelin’s or something, because he freaked out when I tried to go towards him. Then Ohm came in banging a pot and he freaked out and punched the bookshelf and knocked it over. So… So I kicked the door open and Ohm pushed him out.”

“Oh my gosh,” Bryce giggles. He looks out at the door, and begins to feel guilty.  “When do you think we should let Luke back inside? I don't want him to get sick.

Ohm laughs as he comes up between the two, holding both of their hands. “The back door is unlocked. He'll realize it eventually.”

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