h2owildcat!!! wooo!!

677 61 33

Oh gosh i finally finished it after like a week. And after another week i finally remembered who requested it

planetnamyk is this what you wanted? Its not pre-established relationship, but its cute first meetings and carnival fun sooo.., maybe? And omg im sorry this took so long xD
But yes, i hope you enjoy!!!

Tyler stares out at the crowd in front of him, grumbling under his breath at the sight. Evan catches sight of Tyler, and waves excitedly.

"Tyler! Tyler come on! Brock's gonna kick my ass if we're late!" Evan grabs Tyler by the wrist, leading them both through a sea of people.

Of course, being Tyler, he can't help but groan loudly and drag his feet. "Fuck dude, I don't even like these shitty things! What do I care if we're late?!"

Evan gives Tyler a glare. "What do you mean you don't like carnivals?! Everyone likes carnivals!"

"I mean, I don't like the loud music or all the food or rides or people or-"

"I get it, I get it. That's not gonna stop me from keeping you here," Evan scolds. "You're gonna come to the carnival with me and Brock and you're gonna enjoy it, alright?"

"What am I gonna enjoy, third wheeling you and Brock?" Tyler snorts dismissively, quickly considering his options in his head.

He could always yell and claim he's being kidnapped, but nobody would believe him due to their size difference, probably. Tyler could also overpower Evan and escape, but then Brock would probably yell at him and get all angry, and an angry Brock was something Tyler never wants to experience ever again.

So he groans in defeat, straightens up, and allows Evan to pull him along.

Worst comes to worst, he can always make a run for it while Evan and Brock make out on a ferris wheel or something.


Tyler had been left on his own. That wasn't a surprise.

But considering how Evan had been his ride, and was now nowhere to be found, it seems like Tyler is stuck here for the time being.

While left on his own, Tyler had come to a few conclusions. The main one was that all in all, this stupid carnival had one good thing. Just one.

That one good thing was this one ride where Tyler had made himself at home. He had no idea what it was called, or why nobody liked it, but he was having fun.  There was something fun about being spun around in circles thirty feet off the ground.

Not to mention the games. As simple and boring as they were, Tyler was really good at knocking bottles over, he had learned, and Tyler felt proud of himself for finding a way to kill time that he actually enjoyed.

It was when he had to leave that shit got crazy.

Tyler had gotten hungry, so naturally, he goes off to find something to eat. Maybe a hot dog or some cake would make him feel better, he had decided.

But before he could even get to a food stand, he comes across a guy in a big, bright blue hoodie walking around like some kind of weirdo while carrying a shitload of food.

Tyler tries to move out of the guy's way, but the guy falls straight against his chest with a small grunt. He manages to save the guy's cotton candy and hot dog, but the rest goes falling to the floor.

"Aw man," is all the guy says, not even sounding sad about his food.

Tyler has to hold back a laugh as he hands the guy back his food. "Shit dude, is that really all you have to say?  You drop like three meals worth of food and all you say is "oh man?" Jesus, buddy, what hurt you?"

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