Angel wings and bunnies (request #2 lets go bois)

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Angel/demon au requested by @whovian65065

this wasn't supposed to be so long but???? I couldn't stop I had a lot i wanted to do with this //sobs//
Either way I hope you like it?? I love demon/angel aus tbh they're so great


Bryce sat still on the ground, watching the little forest animals run about their lives. It was peaceful, being surrounded by nature and wildlife and nobody to disturb him. Nothing at all like back home, he had to admit.

Back home, where all the other angels live, it was always busy. He did live in the busiest part of heaven, though, so it made sense. Bryce was still surprised he let Evan convince him to come down to Earth, let alone stay for this long.

But then again, Evan was the prince. He couldn't say no even if he wanted to. It was his job to watch over Evan Fong, a prince. If he let Evan come here alone, he would probably get his wing cut off or some scary punishment like that.

So now he was sitting here, in the middle of some forest far, far away from the city Evan had dragged him to, and was watching some bunnies hop around cutely. One of them approaches him cautiously, sniffing  at the hand Bryce reaches out to it.

It makes a tiny noise of approval, then hops closer, choosing to sit besides him. Bryce smiles at the action, relaxing and leaning back against a tree. He stretches his wings out, before folding them back against him.

It's a nice day out, warm and comfortable with a slight breeze going by every now and then. The sky down on Earth looks really pretty too, slowly sinking down behind the trees and shrubs and covering the sky in brilliant oranges and pinks.

With the tiny bunny curled up against him, Bryce feels his eyes droop, and before he knows it he's falling asleep.

When he wakes up, he instantly realizes that something's wrong. The forest, despite being filled to the brim with animals, is dead quiet. There's not a sign of life around Bryce besides the tiny grey bunny trembling against him.

He stands up, curling his wings around himself and the bunny for protection. What he was protecting the bunny from, Bryce didn't know. This entire situation just felt so unsettling and scary all of a sudden, and Bryce didn't quite know what to do.

He begins to walk along, deciding that going back to Evan was the best choice. He would go outside the forest, back by the little town right outside, and then fly back to the city. Evan would probably be pissed at him for running off, anyways.

He doesn't even get ten steps away, though, before something growls in the darkness in front of him, making Bryce immediately turn around and walk away. He didn't want to die today, nope. He could always just come back in the morning.

When he hears something walking behind him, Bryce begins to move faster. The bunny is currently hiding itself in Bryce's arms, whimpering every now and then. Bryce tightens his embrace on the bunny in an attempt to comfort himself.

"That's sweet of you, taking care of that little bunny," a voice purrs from behind him.

Bryce freezes in place, a wave of dread washing over him. A claw lightly goes across his wing, making Bryce shudder. Arms then wrap around him, hugging him close to a warmer, smaller body.

"What's a pretty angel like you doing out here all alone, though? Don't you know not to be out in the forest at night?" The voice is much, much closer now, and it makes Bryce absolutely terrified.

Without thinking, he kicks his leg backward, slamming it into the leg of whoever was holding him. The man behind him gives a loud cry, stumbling backwards onto the ground. Bryce takes advantage of this and shoots up into the air, bunny still nestled safely in his arms.

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