the ohmtoonz I dont have a title for

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also this is my first time writing any kind of make out scene or anythin other than light kissing so uh,,,, yeah..

"You should come over," Luke says, leaning back in his chair. The others in the call laugh, and it brings a light, carefree feeling to him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll come over and show you the Ohm Zone." Ohm's voice comes through the headphones, sounding more like a moan than anything else.

Bryce laughs awkwardly, and Delirious cackles. Luke chuckles quietly, rolling his eyes at their reactions. He then looks down at his feet, watching with amusement as his cat rubs against his leg.

"I'll be sure to prepare myself real good then, mkay? Get my rabbit hole prepared, if you know what I mean." Luke tries to keep his composure, but fails and finds himself laughing loudly.

"What? What does that even mean?" Bryce is giggling quietly, confusion evident in his voice.

Delirious is the one to answer his question, though, much to Luke's surprise. "It means they're gonna fuckin' fuck, man! How do you not know what that means? Ohm's gonna- gonna put his damn carrot into Luke's rabbit hole!"

Luke shakes his head, laughing even more as he hears Ohm begin to cough from laughing so hard.

"You already choking on someone else's dick? I'm hurt, Ohm. Thought I was special." Luke fakes a hurt gasp, managing to calm himself down long enough to speak.

They all laughed, then continued on with their recording.

It wasn't much longer before they had to go, though. The first to leave was Bryce, who said something about his cats and going to bed before leaving the call.

"Who the fuck goes to bed this early?" Delirious whines into his mic, grumbling to himself about the time.

Luke looks over at the clock, and nearly chokes on his own saliva. "What the fuck you mean by early?! It's almost three in the morning!"

Ohm just laughs. "It's almost two for me."

"Well, well, that doesn't fuckin' matter! I haven't slept since Friday! I'm gonna go to bed, bye guys!" Delirious is gone before either of them can say goodbye, leaving Luke and Ohm in a call by themselves.

Great. Just what he wanted- to be in a call alone with this cheeky fucker named Ohm at three A.M.

It wasn't meant to be mean, it really wasn't. The main issue was that Ohm is this cute, playful smartass and Luke wasn't sure if he would be able to control himself for much longer.

"Luke? Luke, buddy, speak to me," Ohm coos.

"Whatcha want, Ohmie? Don't tell me you're cancelling your visit, now," Luke responds, a smile forming on his face. His smile only grows as he hears Ohm laugh, a soft, breathy little laugh that made Luke feel way too happy.

Damn Ohm and his laugh. And his voice, too. Who decided to give this man such a nice voice?

"Mm, I'll come over if you want me that bad, you know. You want me over there?" Ohm sounds calm and collected, the complete opposite of how Luke felt at the moment.

He wasn't sure how to respond to that. Was Ohm being serious? Luke couldn't tell, but a part of him really hoped he wasn't.

"Yeah. You should come over. Like, fly your ass down here. Next flight you can catch, I'll pick you up at the airport and give you a big ol' kiss. Just like the movies," Luke blurts out. He ignores his heart pounding wildly in his chest, and the sudden urge to smack himself for saying such a stupid, stupid thing.

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