a nerd and a jock try to live their lives before 9pm

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so this is a terrornuckel request for @ShannonCipher1496 (i cant tag help??)

Im so sorry this took so long like holy shit my dude. i kinda got stuck on the, uh... everything. 

but please, i hope you like it?? Its a lot longer than i thought it was.


If you ever asked Brian why he was so shy all the time, he wouldn't really be able to explain to you why.

A part of it was because he doesn't really have any friends. Having moved from Ireland in the middle of the school year didn't necessarily help, because everyone already knew each other and he was just labelled as the nerdy exchange student that nobody cared enough about to talk to.

Being an honors student meant he was even more of a nerd than people thought. People didn't really tease him, thankfully, but they surely didn't like him either.

The only reason people ever spoke to him was to ask him to do some homework or for test answers. And Brock, of course. They were best friends, despite all of their differences.

Brock was probably the total opposite of Brian. Athletic, brave, and popular, it was no wonder that Brock was loved by everyone. Of course... It could also be because Brock was a sweetheart and overall just  super charming, but Brian doesn't like thinking about that.

He was, admittedly, a bit surprised when one of the school's most popular students, Evan Fong, casually walks up to his table at lunch and slides into the seat besides him.

"You're Brian, right? Irish kid? Brock's friend?"

Brian is taken aback by this, eyes widening as he nearly chokes on his food. He coughs a bit before nodding his head, feeling awkward under Evan's gaze. He felt like a deer caught in headlights.

Evan grins and throws an arm around Brian's shoulders, pulling him close. "You see that guy over there? The pink and orange shirt? Curly hair, kinda buff guy? He wants me to tell you that you look super nice today."

Brian nods, unable to form words. He panics as he sees the person in question turn towards them, and quickly averts his eyes. It's Brock. Why is Evan making him look at Brock? Why isn't Brock saving him from this shitty situation? Why would Brock set him up like this?

For some reason, Evan finds his panic funny and laughs quietly. "Okay, look. I'm asking for a Brock. Do you like chocolates or flowers? Don't pull any of that 'both' bullshit, either."

Brian is confused and mildly flustered. "C- chocolates," he stutters out.

Evan nods. "I see." He then stands up and walks away, leaving Brian alone once again.

Out of pure instinct, Brian stands up and scurries off to the restroom. Nobody can embarrass him if he's locked in a stall all by himself.

When Brian makes it to the restrooms, he has to resist the urge to bash his head in on one of the sinks. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Why does he have to be so damn awkward?

Brian takes a deep breath and relaxes himself the best he could. This wouldn't be so bad. It was just a joke. Some kind of dumb joke Evan or Brock was pulling on him. He had no idea what chocolates have to do with it, but it doesn't matter at all.

He will be fine, Brian decides. Just go about school like a normal nerd and live. That's all he has to do. And after Brock finishes with practice, they can go home together like all the other best friends do.

Brian nods to himself, feeling a bit less freaked out than before. People are like that. They do mean things. It won't matter at the end of the day, though, so what's the big deal?

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