woes of a summoner

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a happy little something for ur days as i freeze in the car becusse its COLXD and someONE aka mg BROTHER thiks its ok to open the wINDOWS AND EXPOSE MY TINT TEXAN BODY TO COLD i havr 3 JACKETS AND IM STILL COLD HELP HLLY SHIT BRYCE JUST STARTED STREAMING AND I CANT WATCH 😭😭😭


Ryan glares angrily at Jonathan. The summoning circle scratched into the ground is glowing, flashing between red and gold. There's random herbs scattered around and across it, and in the very center is a pissed off Ryan with a now twisted ankle.

Jonathan grins sheepishly, shrugging and gesturing to the broom and couple piles of spell books on the floor. "What? I finally picked them up! Ain't that what you asked for?"

"Yes," Ryan spits angrily, "But not like that! When someone says to pick books off the floor they generally mean to put them in the goddamn bookshelf! Now look at what you did, dammit! I don't even know how this caused a ritual or whatever the fuck this is!"

"Well, get out of it and find out you dumbass!" A new, disembodied voice calls out with a cackle, a puff of smoke appearing shortly after.

The smoke didn't surprise either of them. It was actually the strange light appearing next to the smoke that startled them, not to mention how suddenly there's a demon and an angel sitting in the room with them! Jonathan gives some ugly, startled squawk, and Ryan scrambles to get away from the intruders.

The demon, a tall, red being, laughs smugly and stretches his arms. He has a strange scar over his eye, curled horns on his head and jet black hair to contrast vivid red skin- much like your cliche idea of a demon. He grins, looking around the small hut and chuckling. "What kind of shitshow is this?"

Ryan and Jonathan share nervous looks. He didn't plan on summoning anything tonight. And god, if Gorilla was to come back and find out what they've done...

We're so fucked, Jonathan's panicked gaze said. Ryan nods in agreement, the two new people in the room seeming oblivious to their silent conversations.

"Aw, come on Luke, it's not so bad," the angel says sweetly, a chipper edge to his voice. Unlike the demon, the angel looks almost exactly like a normal human. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a big smile on his face, he's actually quite cute. The giant wings on his back (like, really, how is he still standing?) are the only thing differentiating him from a human like Jon or Ryan.

But then the angel actually spreads his wings, stretching them out, and both Jon and Ryan begin to panic. Big, snow white feathery wings are easily going from wall to wall, and are knocking down all kinds of items. Books, herbs, bottles, potions, you name it and his wings probably hit it.

"Bryce! Close your damn wings," the demon scolds. He harshly slaps the angel's wing, nearly knocking the poor thing over.

Bryce gasps lightly in realization, wings moving to their folded position behind his back. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear!" He continues to gasp out apologies, moving to pick up random things off the floor.

Ryan finally snaps. "Why the fuck are you guys even here?!"

"Uh, because you summoned us," the demon snaps back with a concerning amount of sass. "I don't see how hard this is to figure out."

Jonathan quickly yanks something out of Bryce's hand. "Don't you touch Teddy! Tell us how to send you the fuck home!"

"Why did you both come at once? And why do you guys know each other?" Ryan feels like he's onto something here. This isn't normal. He's positive that this isn't how weird summoning rituals go.

Bryce and Luke both look at each other, before simultaneously bursting into laughter. This leaves Ryan and Jonathan more confused than before.

"Oh, it's a long story," Luke says with a chuckle. "We'll tell you guys later. For now, you got anything to eat? I'm starved."

Ryan narrows his eyes, attempting for the first time since he's fallen to pick himself up off the ground. "Not for you," he grunts. "Maybe if you- oh fuck-" He cuts himself off with a pained grunt, wincing at the pain in his ankle.

Jonathan rushes over to help him, and Bryce is quick to follow. Jon pushes him away, though, easily pulling the wounded Ryan to his feet. "Shhhh. Easy, easy, easy you- you wounded dick."

"He wounded his dick?" Bryce seems genuinely concerned.

Luke slaps him on the wing. "No, dumbass. He's a dick that's wounded, not a wounded dick. Though...." Luke looks Ryan over, scanning his body with eyes that make Ryan flush uncontrollably. "A night in bed with me does leave most people's bodies a little more than just sore." He winks suggestively at Ryan, making him turn away with a nervous laugh.

"Oh gosh, is your ankle okay?" Bryce has ignored Jon's angry looks and is now examining Ryan's swollen ankle with gentle, cold hands. "It looks like you sprained it! Let me fix that up for you-"

"No you aren't," Luke says. "No you ain't, you can't heal for shit and we both-"

The door opens. "Jon, Ryan, I'm-"

Oh. Oh fuck. Gorilla's back and he isn't gonna like what he sees at all. He attempts to hide the lanky angel or flirty demon from
Gorilla, but it's no use.

Gorilla doesn't give any verbal response. He just sets down the bags he's holding, crosses his arms and glares angrily at the four. "What the fuck is this?"

Ryan's panic only increases as Jon begins to speak. "Uh, you- you see- we-"

"There was some sage and a- a cauldron and-" He tries to save Jonathan's shitty explanation.

"He done sprained his ankle!" Well, way to go, Jon. As if the swollen blob on my ankle doesn't give that away.

Gorilla is not impressed. "I left for two hours. Two fucking hours!"

Jon and Ryan flinch. Luke's smug grin is gone for once, and Bryce is silent. They all form a little line, like guilty children. Gorilla glares at them, tapping his foot on the floor like an impatient father.

"Y'all better tell me what the fuck happened that there's a demon and a fucking angel in my house, and why half of it is destroyed."


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