two children make Ohm suffer

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3 things before you read this:

1) This is super old. And by that I mean... Like 3-4 months old.
2) this isn't finished! I was just digging deep into all kinds of files and i dug this up. Wanted to share it, because why the fuck not xD
3) this is an AU with Daddy Bryce, little kid Cartoonz and Delirious, and Ohm is their unfortunate babysitter. Dont remember where it came from, but its here xD

So... Enjoy?

When Ryan first took up the offer, it was because he was stupid and in need of a quick buck or two. It was not, in any way at all, because he enjoyed babysitting.

Honestly? Ryan had never done this before. He's never been around kids before, he's not good with kids, and he's not sure what he was thinking when he agreed to come over to his neighbor's house and watch his two sons.

His neighbor, Mr. McQuaid, had asked him if he would be willing to watch his kids for a night, as the normal babysitter had been busy tonight. It wasn't for very long, he had said- from five to eleven, and even then his sons both went to bed at nine. It didn't sound all that hard.

Feed them dinner at six, make sure they don't drown in the bath, and then put them to bed at nine.

Easy job, easy money.

Half the reason Ryan even took up the offer was because of how desperate Mr. McQuaid had looked, and how he had told Ryan he would be paid by the hour in case work ran late. Plus, Mr. McQuaid was a really, really nice guy, and that meant his kids were bound to have inherited some of that kindness, which meant that everything would go smoothly.

So just before five, Ryan grabbed his phone, put on his favorite hoodie (for good luck), and went over next door.

The first thing he noticed was all the dog toys lying around the front yard. He stepped over them, then came up to the front door and knocked. There was a bit of yelling, a lot of barking, and then the door opens.

“Oh! Ryan, thank goodness you're here! I've got to go in a few, come in! I'll get you guys introduced- and before you say anything, please, call me Bryce. When you call me mister I feel, like, twenty years older than I actually am.” Bryce smiles brightly, somehow saying his entire speech in one breath, which amazes Ryan to no end.

Was this what being a father does to someone?

He turns towards the stairs and calls up to the kids. “Jonathan! Luke! Come meet the babysitter for tonight! Please and thank you! And turn off that bathroom light if nobody's in there!”

There was the sound of little footsteps running down the stairs, and then Ryan was met with two kids, both gazing up at Ryan with big, curious eyes.

“Who's this, Daddy?” The smaller one, with a big, blue sweater on and teddy bear in hand, speaks first, hiding behind the taller one.

Bryce smiles warmly at his sons, then gestures to Ryan. “Jon, Luke, this is Ryan. He lives next door, and he's gonna be watching you guys for tonight,” Bryce says softly, bending down to their level. “Can you guys introduce yourselves for him?”

The taller one, with a red shirt, just looks at Ryan and smiles. “I'm Luke, and this guy here is Jon. He's my brother. We're brothers.”

Jon nods his head, then holds his teddy bear up to Ryan. “And this is Teddy! He's a secret agent!”

Ryan nods his head, not sure how to respond to that. Did the kid know his teddy bear was missing an eye?

“Well, I've got to go. There's money for pizza on the counter, and I've got soda in the fridge if you want some. Feel free to help yourself if you get hungry, Ryan, okay?” Bryce smiles warmly at Ryan, who nods again.

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