Local Panda Can't Aim for Shit (request)

830 43 17

holy fuck!!!! It's here!!!!

im so sorry these are taking so long, life decided to come over and punch me in the fucking face ;-;

but!!! I'm sick (again, yaaaaaaaay) so I'll have free time!! if im not dying in bed, i mean >n<

So!! Either way, here we have JiggyCat for @_keldeo_, hope you like it!

"Okay, Panda. You gotta get a hit in order to win, alright?" Tyler grinned at Anthony from across the room, watching as his boyfriend gives him a determined nod.

"You're going down, you fucker!" Anthony calls out to Tyler, giving an excited laugh. Tyler laughs along with him, before turning to the computer in front of him.

It had been a cute little challenge from Panda- a single round of Shellshock Live, one on one. Neither of them were the best at the game, but Tyler had happily accepted the offer because he knew for a fact he wasn't paying for pizza tonight.

He can feel the other's determination from across the room, and watches as Anthony selects his weapon. He shoots, full power.... and proceeds to miss horribly.

"What the fuuuuck?!" Anthony wails out, watching in horror as his shot glides right above Tyler's little blue tank. "What the shit was that? That should've hit you!"

Tyler shrugs, chuckling quietly to himself. "Well, it didn't hit me, so you obviously fucked up somewhere. Now come on, let me show you how it's done," he remarks, grinning as he aims at Anthony's tank.

"No! Tyler! Stop! Stop!" Anthony screeches as he watches explosions go off around his tank, nearly dying in one turn. "What the fuck is this?! Why are you so good at this game?!"

Tyler laughs at his reaction. "Because you fucking suck at aiming!"

"What weapon was that even?! I don't have that!"

Tyler snickers and shrugs. "It's a flower! Baby, I gave you a flower!"

"That's bullshit! Why don't I have that weapon?" Anthony glares at the screen, arms crossed.

"Well, maybe you should consider being better at the game!"


This continues on for a few more turns, before Anthony finally gives up and slams his hand down on the desk in anger. "This is bullshit! I don't wanna play with you anymore because you're a hacker!"

Tyler watches from afar as Anthony stands up, storming off to the bedroom. He glances at his game to see that Anthony quit, then sighs and goes after him.

The first thing he sees upon entering the bedroom is a sad Anthony hugging a panda plushie, curled into a little ball. Tyler leans against the wall, shaking his head. "Are you really that upset? Jesus, buddy, it's just a game."

"I don't wanna lose," Anthony admits quietly. "I suck at the game. It's not fair."

Tyler thinks for a moment, before sighing again and laying next to him. He wraps his arms around Anthony, pulling them closer to each other. "Hey. Baby, come on. It's okay. Don't be so upset,okay?"

Anthony huffs, snuggling closer to Tyler and burying his face in Tyler's chest. "I'm not upset. I'm just... I'm just not happy."

Tyler smiles a bit. "So you are upset?"

"... Fuck you," Anthony grumbles. "You're a dick, Tyler."

Tyler's smile grows into a grin, and he rolls his eyes. "Are you really this upset over you losing at a game?"

"Yes! Because I wanted to win!"

"Mm... That's a good reason. Look, why don't we forget about the stupid game? Let's order ourselves a pizza and just watch a movie." Tyler presses a chaste kiss to Anthony's forehead.

Anthony looks up at Tyler. "Do I have to pay?"

"Only if you want to, I mean. I won't complain."


"This movie sucks! Why would she go towards the spooky noise?!" Tyler groans out loud as he takes a handful of popcorn and shoves it into his mouth. "That's how you die! God, these horror movie people are so stupid."

"Shut up, Tyler, you're gonna disturb the people actually watching the movie." Anthony clamps a hand over Tyler's mouth, forcing him to be quiet.

Tyler looks around the room, before trying to pull off Anthony's hand. He didn't see anyone else in the room watching the movie. What was he trying to say? Even Kino thought this movie was stupid!

It quickly became clear that Anthony wasn't gonna move his hand anytime soon, he seemed too into the movie to remember to stop silencing him. So Tyler does the only logical thing he could think to do in this unfortunate situation.

He licks Anthony's hand.

Anthony yelps loudly and jerks his hand away, giving Tyler a disgusted look. "Did you just lick my hand?"

"What? I've licked worse places on you, what's the big deal?" Tyler shrugs off Anthony's reaction, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. "I just wanted to talk, that's all."

Anthony says nothing, though the blush on his face says everything Tyler needs to know. He chuckles quietly, wrapping an arm around Anthony's waist and pulling him closer. 

"T-Tyler! No! No! N-None of that!" Anthony hides his face in his hands, still blushing a very bright red.

Grinning, Tyler pulls Anthony closer and kisses his forehead, letting his hands squeeze Anthony's butt lightly. "But you're cute."

Anthony jumps, giving a small gasp. "N-no, Tyler... Don't grab my ass like that. Not in front of the child..."

"But your ass is nice, and Kino is asleep. You know, your very cute, Anthony. Like.. I wouldn't mind gettin' it on with you. But that's kinda gay, don't you think?" Tyler gives a playful smirk at Anthony, moving his hands back up to Anthony's waist and back.

He smiles, a sweet, bright smile that melts Tyler's heart, and rolls his eyes. "But you are gay, Tyler. I'm gay too. I'm your boyfriend."

Tyler smiles lovingly, feeling a warm giddiness spread through him at Anthony's words. "Well, yeah. You got me there..." He thinks for a second or two, before sighing and shaking his head, smile growing into a grin. "Fuck, I got so lucky. Anyone would want to have a cute little shit like you," Tyler gushes.

Though he wasn't very good with his words, or expressing himself, he felt like he could sit there and talk for days on end about how much he loved Anthony. This giggly, panda loving, cheeky guy with an amazing laugh was probably the most perfect human Tyler had ever met. And Tyler felt incredibly honored to be able to cuddle with him on a daily basis.

And as Anthony always joked, Tyler had to word everything in his own way. Which meant that Tyler leaned in close, to where their foreheads were touching, and gently kissed him.

When they looked away, Tyler spoke up softly, voice calm and gentle and a loving tone seeping into every word.

"I love you, so, so fucking much. You still owe me a pizza."

bbs- banana banana shot? (booty booty squad?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora