two awkward men flirt over mac and cheese

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He's been sitting there for a while now. Jonathan knows this because of the way the waitress looks at him, a pitiful and tired look.The constant string of excuses he gives certainly doesn't seem to help any. It's so clear that this guy's date stood him up, and yet here this guy is, looking around the little restaurant for his mystery man.

It's the fourth time the waitress has come around. She's starting to pity him, and Jonathan doesn't blame her. He looked like a pretty nice guy- slightly curly brown hair, a kind face with big eyes and squishy looking cheeks (Jonathan's grandma would love this guy) that were constantly being rubbed or scratched out of nervousness.

So, after the waitress returns for the fifth time (and the guy insists, for the fifth time, his date would be here any minute now), Jonathan decides he has to take action. Of course, there were only so many things he could do in this situation. So he quickly stands up and jogs over, sliding into the seat across from him. “Shit! I'm so sorry I'm late!”

The guy across from him looks surprised, maybe even scared. His eyes go all wide and he's suddenly very interested in the fork in his hand, face flushed a brilliant red. The waitress doesn't question his sudden appearance, or the poor guy’s clear embarrassment. She simply takes their orders and leaves, Jonathan ordering for the both of them because this guy clearly wasn't going to say a word.

“I hope you like onions on your burger,” he says, hoping to break the obvious tension. Jonathan watches the other for a moment. He looks really shy. He is shy, if his actions in the past few minutes were anything to go off of. He's… actually kinda cute, Jonathan decides, and he has a nice face. Why would someone not go on a date with this guy?

The cute guy just looks up at him nervously, fiddling with his straw. He avoid eye contact, instead quickly glancing around the restaurant. It then occurs to Jonathan that he's never told the guy his name. That could probably explain why everything felt so awkward, now wouldn't it?

He gives a small laugh, smiling brightly as he holds a hand out to the other. “I- I'm Jonathan,” he announces, not caring about his fumbling on words. “I know I wasn't the date you expected, but hey! He probably wasn't gonna show up anyways! I'll treat you better!” It's a bit blunt, yes, but honestly Jonathan didn't know how else to put it.

The guy seems a bit… Stunned? Surprised? Concerned? Jonathan wasn't sure at all. His expression was similar to a deer caught in headlights, or maybe some little kid who just got caught with his hands in a cookie jar. There were probably hundreds of other metaphors Jonathan could use here, but two milkshakes being set in front of them distracts him immediately.

He looks at them both, then at his date in front of him. “Do you want the chocolate or strawberry? It doesn't matter which one you pick. Whatever you want! I'm gonna pay, I promise!”

Though the guy seems hesitant at first, he eventually reaches out to the strawberry one and pulls it towards him. He takes a sip, and Jonathan doesn't miss the way the corners of his mouth turn up in a tiny smile, or the delighted look in his eyes.

Jon pulls his own milkshake towards him, taking a sip and humming happily at the chocolate taste. He entertains himself by eating the whipped cream off the top while thinking of what else to say. “Umm… So, what's your name?”

The poor guy is clearly caught off guard by the question. He looks around, as if to make sure Jonathan was speaking to him, then turns his gaze down to the table once again. He fiddles with his jacket sleeves for a moment and eventually gives into Jonathan's patient gaze. “I… I'm Brock,” he says, voice quiet and timid.

Jonathan smiles. This is certainly an improvement. “I like that name. It's a nice name, don't you think Brock? There was a guy in Pokémon named Brock. Did you know that?”

For some reason, Brock seems to find this funny. He smiles, a near-silent chuckle coming out. “Yeah,” Brock says, sounding a lot less shy than when they first met. “I did. He had the vulpix egg, right?”

“Yeah! And- and he never fuckin’ opened his eyes either! Like how does he see?!” Jonathan laughs loudly, making Brock's eyes widen slightly. He forgets sometimes that his laugh isn't exactly… normal sounding.

“No, he did once! He looked terrifying!” To his surprise, Brock begins to laugh too. He's not sure what Brock is laughing at, but Brock's laugh is cute and funny, and makes Jonathan laugh harder.

The two end up laughing together until they're both breathless. Jonathan's pretty sure they both look like two crazy people, laughing their asses off in the middle of some restaurant, but he couldn't care less at the moment. Brock is smiling and talking and laughing and happy, and something about the look on his face made Jonathan's heart pound wildly in his chest.

He grins brightly, ignoring the blush coming to his face. “So… you come here often?”

Brock snorts, nearly choking on his milkshake. He has to cover his mouth to keep from spitting strawberry all over Jonathan, and his eyes go so wide Jonathan's surprised they don't pop out of his head. It's such a silly, goofy reaction and Jonathan is more than in love with it.

“Yeah,” Brock gasps out, giving breathless giggles in between words. “I come here to this- this restaurant thirty minutes from my house every day to look lonely in the corner booth.” He giggles again, wiping whipped cream off his face with a napkin.

Jonathan briefly wonders if Brock is aware of how cute his laugh is. He swipes a small glob of whipped cream off his shake with his finger, and then smears it on Brock's cheeks, still flushed from laughing so much. “Well, that's good. I, too, come to this restaurant that's actually forty minutes from my house every day. Except I come to find cute people to cover in whipped cream and buy milkshakes for.”

The fact that Brock's face immediately goes ten shades redder after his compliment (?) is fucking adorable in Jonathan's opinion. He looks around confused and then nervously speaks. “You… you mean me?”

“Well, duh! You're the cutest person here!” He has no idea what he's saying at this point. Jonathan doesn't know how to flirt at all. But Brock seems to be flattered and happy, so that means it's working, right?

It's honestly taking all of his self control to not gush about how much he likes this Brock guy. One plate of burgers and fries is set infront of Brock, and in front of Jonathan is his salad and a side of…

“Is that macaroni and cheese?” Brock is clearly holding in a laugh, eyeing the small dish sitting at Jonathan's side.

“Maybe,” Jonathan remarks. He sticks his tongue out at Brock and takes a spoonful of the cheesy goodness. “So what? It's good.”

“That's off the children's menu!” Brock is covering his mouth and giggling hysterically again. It makes Jonathan smile around his food and offer another spoonful out to Brock.

“Try it and you won't blame me one bit.”

Brock, although hesitant, takes a bite off of Jon's spoon. His eyes widen in delight as he chews and Jonathan grins smugly.

“Told you,” he hums, digging into the salad.

The next half hour goes on like this. Flirty comments and playful banter goes back and forth over their food and drinks. He's happy to sit and talk with Brock, and he knows for a fact that he'd be more than happy to go on another one of these little dinner dates.

Maybe a more planned out dinner date. At a place closer to their houses, so it's less of a drive, too.

hmm..... after writing for like,,, almost 3 years youd think i'd learn how to write endings smh

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