gummy bears and friendship marriages (request)

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a/n: fuck!!! Im trying to get the last of these out as fast as i can but heck... im still a bit sick and when i go back to school tomorrow im gonna drown in missed assignments :'')

But hey!! Delitoonz is great!!! This one is for @TiffGold! I hope you like it!


"It feels weird," Jonathan blurts out, breaking the silence between him and Luke.

Luke swims up, popping his head out onto the surface of Jon's pool. "What feels weird?"

Jonathan shrugs. "I mean it feels weird. Like... Dating you, I mean."

Luke gives him a curious look, swimming up to the edge of the pool where Jonathan is sitting. "What's that supposed to mean, huh?

"I don't know," Jon giggles. "I just- I just thought that me dating my best friend would feel different! But it doesn't, and that's weird!" He shifts to where his feet are dangling in the water,  and looks over at Luke curiously. "Why are you dating me, anyways?"

Luke smiles warmly, pulling himself up to sit next to Jon. "Well, I'm dating you because you're my boyfriend."

Jonathan stares at Luke in disbelief for a moment, before huffing and turning away. "I already knew that shit!"

"Hah, I know, Jonny, I know," Luke chuckles. "But if you must know... I'm dating you because you're this loud, cute motherfucker with a great sense of humor and an awesome laugh. I'm dating you because you're probably the prettiest guy I've ever met, and I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Baby, I'm dating you because I love you and I'd never want to date anyone else."

Jonathan stares at Luke for the entire duration of his speech, before blushing and looking down at his hands. "That's... That's some deep shit. I- I wasn't fuckin' ready for that damn speech right there."

"Too much?" Luke gives Jon a big, smug grin, wrapping an arm around Jon's waist. "I know I'm good with words."

Jon pouts in response, trying to hide the blush on his face. "That's not fucking fair," he mutters to himself.

Luke kisses his cheek as a response, holding him close. "I love you too," he laughs. "Now come on, we've been out here for a while now. You're clearly tired out, let's go get something to eat."


So now Jonathan is wrapped in a nice, fluffy blanket on the couch, hair still wet and a teddy bear resting in his lap. He was happy and comfortable, waiting for Luke to return with snacks so they could play some games.

He wriggles around, until he flops over onto his back by accident. When he realizes he can't get up due to the blankets holding him down, Jonathan throws his head back and whines loudly. "Luke! Help!"

There was a loud thunk from the kitchen, and then Luke is standing in the living room, staring at Jon with wide eyes. "You fuck! I thought something serious happened! Don't fucking scare me like that!"

"But Lukey! Something did happen! Fuckin' help me!" Jonathan wiggles around, demonstrating his inability to move. "I'm trapped!"

Luke stares at Jonathan, before shaking his head with a soft chuckle. "Yes, I can tell. How did you even manage that?" He turns around and walks back into the kitchen, much to Jonathan's dismay.

"What the fuck?! Are you just gonna leave me like this?" Jonathan screeches after him, but receives no response. He huffs and goes limp, letting himself relax against the couch.

Luke comes back in a moment later, with a bowl of popcorn and a big bag of gummy bears in one hand, and some sodas in the other. He sets the snacks down, then sits besides Jonathan.

Jon manages to roll over onto his stomach, and inches his way to Luke like a little caterpillar. Rolling over again, back onto his back, he lays his head on Luke's lap, and gestures to the bag of gummy bears. "I want a gummy bear. A green one."

Luke raises a brow, an amused smirk on his face. "Oh? You're not even gonna say please? What a horrible person. Who raised you?" Despite his words, Luke tears open the bag and puts a few into Jonathan's mouth.

Jonathan chews contently, deciding to ignore the fact that he couldn't taste a single green gummy bear in his mouth. He smiles brightly up at Luke, and blows a kiss the best he can. "You're pretty cool, boyfriend."

"And I'd say you're not so bad yourself, boyfriend. How do you feel about watching a movie?" Luke begins to browse Netflix, his free hand idly running through Jon's messy, damp hair. "Are horror movies okay?"

"Uh... Yeah. Anythin's good, I mean," he says calmly, mind and body melting at the comforting feeling of hands in his hair. He sighs contently, relaxing on Luke's lap.

Luke smiles at the sight, and holds another gummy bear above Jon. "Since you're so cute, you want another?"

Jon grins and nods, opening his mouth and waiting for the candy. To his surprise, however, Luke pulls it away, a laugh bubbling out of him.

"You thought it was gonna be that easy? Well, you were wrong," he laughs.

Jon pouts up at Luke, twisting himself around until he's sitting up. "What do you want for the gummy bear? I'll give you a kiss!"

Luke thinks it over, before smirking. "Ten kisses."

"For one gummy bear? Fuck no! Two kisses!"



"Six, and that's your final offer."

"Five kisses and a booty touch," Jon counters.

Luke laughs and nods, holding his arms out. "Fine. You're good at this shit, you know that?"

Jon grins, crawling into Luke's lap, covering his face in kisses. He gives a little giggle as Luke's hands untangle him from the blanket wrapped around him, and go down to squeeze his butt.

"Since you're such a cool boyfriend, you get the entire bag," Luke hums, setting the bag in Jon's lap. "But just to clarify, I get all the clear ones."

"Start the movie," Jon says, stuffing his mouth with gummy bears.

Luke rolls his eyes, a tiny smile on his face as he turns on the movie, and turns off the lamp besides them, leaving them in (mostly) darkness.


Jonathan yawns sleepily, snuggling closer to Luke, ignoring the way Luke's beard tickles against his head. He has both arms wrapped tightly around Luke, and his head nestled into the crook of his neck.

"You comfy down there?" Luke's voice is soft and gentle, making Jon sigh softly and nod.

"Mm... Yeah. I'm okay. Great, actually... I'm great. You're great, you know that? We... Are we married?" Jonathan speaks mindlessly, not having the energy to really think about what he was saying.

Luke chuckles against him, the vibrations coming off of him sending a small shiver down Jon's back. "No, I'm pretty sure we're not married. Feels like it, though, don't it?"

Jon nods, smiling to himself. "We should get married. Then... Then we'll be-become the ultimate best friends."

Luke smiles, planting a kiss on Jon's forehead. "Is that what kids are calling it these days?"

"Uh-huh. Totally. Best... Best fuckin' friends," Jon mumbles. "I fucking love you, man... You should marry me. I-I'm a damn catch."

"Yes, you are," Luke hums sweetly. "The best thing I could ask for. Come on, baby. Let's go to bed."

Jonathan nods slightly, eyes already beginning to fall shut. "Okay... Night, Lukey."

"Night-night, Jonny, baby."

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