inner dread and french fries

391 32 57

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1) Do i know what this is supposed to be?
Probably not.

2) What went through my mind when writing this?
Fuck if i know. Probably some stupid song or five.

3) Part 2?


Bryce never did like the night. It's dark and creepy, the air is colder and there's never anyone around. Nights, to Bryce, are lonely and quiet and totally not his thing. The silence of his neighborhood is stifling, the way the darkness surrounds him is unsettling, and the fact that he can't seem to sleep makes it all much, much worse.

He sits up in bed with a frustrated whine, feeling tears begin to form in his eyes. All he wants to do is sleep, but his bed feels too uncomfortable and his shirt is rubbing on his skin in all the wrong ways. His legs are cold, his pillow isn't soft enough, the darkness in his closet is creeping him out and now he really has to pee but doesn't want to get up. Everything is going wrong.

He hears the sound of someone opening a door somewhere else in the house. Bryce tenses up slightly, feeling startled. It's probably just Jonathan, his older brother. He sneaks in and out a lot.

Bryce decides to ignore this. He lays himself back down, makes himself as comfortable as possible and forces himself to close his eyes and stay still in the hopes that he will eventually fall asleep. The only problem is, he can't. The bathroom across the hall is calling to him, and for some reason he's really craving a burger and some fries.

He gets up with another huff, trudging out to the bathroom. He comes back after he's finished, Bryce changing into a more comfortable shirt. It's actually an old sweater Jonathan bought him for his birthday a year or two ago, though back then Jon had seriously misjudged Bryce's shirt size and bought it too big. He still wore it, to be honest, because it was soft and cozy and warm. It made him feel happy knowing that Jon went out of his way to get him such a cute sweater, Jon having said he went to five different stores to hunt down one that might fit Bryce.

Bryce is feeling better now. He smiles to himself, ignoring the part of him silently demanding he go eat. He didn't really want to go eat, he wants to sleep more than anything else. So he lays down in bed.

Some sleep he's getting. It feels like he's been laying there for hours, and yet when he checks the time out of desperation he finds it's only 1:48. For the third time this night, Bryce sits up in bed. This time, the tears can't seem to stop. He doesn't even know why he's crying! Is he really this tired?!

Apparently he is, because Bryce can't stop crying. His sniffling and whining must've worried Jonathan for his bedroom door opens and there his big brother stands, headphones in one hand and worry etched into his face. "Bryce? B- Bryce, you okay?!"

"Yes," Bryce gasps out, tears still falling freely down his face. "I'm- I'm fine."

Jonathan frowns and crosses his arms. "Bitch, you look like- like not fine!"

"I am," Bryce croaks. "I... 'm just tired..."

Though Jonathan was only a year older than Bryce, it sometimes felt like they were hundreds of years apart because of how stupidly wise Jon could be at times. Despite his idiocy, he has his moments. And it seems like this might (?) be one of them. He comes closer to Bryce, wiping the tears away and brushing his hair out of his face. "C'mon Brycey. That's- That's no way for a fellow teddy lover to be. Do you wanna get a blanket? Or a teddy? Ooh, what- what about your damn kittens? I can go find them for you."

Bryce shakes his head, instead choosing to cling to Jonathan. He can't figure out why he's so tired and cranky, or why he can't sleep, and it only pushes him further into his little pit of tears and frustration. He doesn't want to get all snappy on Jon, though, so he keeps his mouth shut.

bbs- banana banana shot? (booty booty squad?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora