summer days and heat daze

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((whoops i may or may not have posted the drabbles to butter y'all up hahAHA THIS IS ANGST IM NOT SORRY))


When Luke woke up that morning, everything felt fine. It was 10:43 AM, his cat was lying besides him, and he could hear his three boyfriends downstairs, all chattering and going about their daily lives. He had slept in a bit later than planned, but that was okay. They all knew he wasn't much of a morning person, anyways.

He gets out of bed, and gets ready for the day. When he comes downstairs, freshly showered and ready for something to eat, he's met with a pair of lips on his cheek and Bryce smiling brightly at him.

“Oh, Luke! We were just about to go get you! Jon wants to go down to the park later today, you wanna come?” Bryce tilts his head to the side slightly, smile still spread across his face.

Luke doesn't think much of the question. He grins and nods. “Of course I'll go! Anything for you cuties,” he laughs, pressing a chaste kiss to Bryce's cheek. “But I want somethin’ to eat first. I'll be fucking damned if I gotta go out and melt my ass off outside without having lunch before.”

Ryan comes out of the kitchen, holding a sandwich in one hand, and his phone in the other. “I heard lunch. Can we go out for lunch? I know a really good place,” he says, casually biting into his food.

“What the fuck d’ya mean you wanna go out for lunch? You gots a damn sandwich in your hand! That's stupid!” Jonathan pops up from  somewhere behind Luke, an accusing tone in his voice.

“Well, who said this is lunch? Besides, the place I wanna take you guys to has really good milkshakes. And it's right across from the park, so why not?” Ryan shrugs casually, still eating his sandwich.

Luke shrugs too. “I mean, that sounds like a pretty solid plan to me. If it bothers Del that much, though, we can go eat after the park. I'll just grab something quick to eat before we go. Bryce, Del, y'all okay with this?”

Jonathan thinks it over, before nodding. “Yeah. That sounds good. We're gonna go see the little pond at the park, right? The one where the frogs are at? I wanna look at the frogs,” he says, sounding more and more excited with every word. When Luke and Ryan both give him a smile and nod in approval of his plan, he practically jumps with joy.

“Brycey? You wanna go help Delirious chase the weird frog at the park again?” Ryan turns everyone's attention onto Bryce, who is staring at the half-eaten sandwich in Ryan's hand longingly.

“Bryce? Hey, Bryce, you there?” Luke lightly taps Bryce's shoulder, only to frown when he receives no response.

“... Are you gonna finish that?” Bryce asks sheepishly, a light blush on his face. “It just.. It looks good,” he mumbles.

Ryan laughs, handing Bryce the sandwich. “Of course you can have it, baby. Come on, Luke, let's get you something to eat too, before we go.”

An hour later, they're sitting in the park, in the scorching summer heat. Jonathan had discovered that the playground was empty today, which was a bit surprising to all of them. Regardless, Jonathan had begged to go over and play on the equipment, Bryce quick to join him.

Of course, they both tired themselves out after running around like a couple of crazy children for a little while. After tripping over thin air in a race, Jonathan had admitted defeat and decided to sit himself on a swing, Bryce and Luke choosing to join.

So now Luke was sitting on a swing, watching two of his boyfriends who were on either side of him. Ryan, who admitted to not being fond of swings, had instead offered to watch from over on the slide.

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