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There are three subspecies of Walrus. They inhabit coastal areas kept open by ocean currents between Hudson Bay and Greenland, Spitsbergen, and the northern Siberian coast. The Pacific species is found on the coasts of Kanchatka, Alaska and as far away as northern Canada.

Characterstic features of the second-largest species of seal, besides its long beard, are thr modified eye-teeth tusks. These are made of valuable ivory and were in addition to the blubber-oil and meat, coveted commerical objects. The Walrus uses the tusks to breakoff mussels, which are its major source of food, from the sea floor. Adult bulls grow approximately 3,000 pounds and can demolish rowboats and canoes and drag passengers to the bottom.

By nature the Walrus is a peaceful animal and has no natural enemies. Nevertheless, the once huge herds have shrunk, owing to unrestrained hunting by man. Even
strict regulations cannot prevent their numbers from declining further, so the future of this seal is uncertain

Author Alert: The future of all seal species is uncertain due to the uncontrolled sea hunting in Canada. Spread the word and sign the petition against these stupid hunts whenever they pop up. Have you ever seen a baby seal and its mother together?

If you did would you let them die?

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