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Known far and wide across the globe Rattlesnakes are probably the creepiest unless you live in Australia where the Banded Sea Krait swims just off the coasts of the islands in that area. The name Rattlesnake refers to the very  end of the tail of the Rattlesnake which resembles a rattle and the movement of the tail moving back and forth making the rattle noise. This is a snake you are more likely to  hear them before spotting them.
This snakes are easy to recognize. They can be found written into some story and they can be found in many movies. For example the called "Flicka 2" has a Rattlesnake in it and TV show "Saddle Club."

When it comes to snakes like Boa constrictors? Well did you ever think one of them has become an invasive species in the Florida Everglades?

That is right the Bernese Python is not native to the Everglades. It was a snake brought over through illegal pet trading. It is the biggest constrictor known to be found in the Everglades.

Author's Note: Do check out the trailer above this chapter. The movie is pretty amazing with bloopers happening during the credits. There is even a joke in one of the bloopers that makes all the characters and the crew working with the cast laugh out loud. Again the trailer is of the movie called "Gift Horse".

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