American Badger

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Adult badgers range in size from 30 inches or 76 cms to 35 inches or 89 cms. Their bodies are wide giving a flat-backed appearance. Adult badgers weigh 12 lbs or 5.4 kgs. up to 16 lbs or 7.6 kgs. Sometimes their weight will vary  and increase to over 20 lbs or 9.1 kgs since in the late fall they will occasionally have extra layers of fat to help them stay alive through cold winters where the snow piles up deep.

They are mostly gray with a grizzled effect due to their long guard hairs. Their underfur can be either be a very light tan or creamy white. Legs and feet are black. A white stripe leads from their nose to between their eyes and back over the head ending right between their shoulders.

Ears are found set low along the sides of their head. There five toes on each foot. Four of the toes have long claws that they used to loose up and dig through soil

Claws range in size from 11/2 inches or 3.8 cms to 1 3/4 inches or 4.5 cms in length.

They have 34 teeth four of which are sharply pointed canine teeth. 

Their skin glands are found on their belly of which there are two.

They walk on their toes giving them that distinct rolling gate.

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