Rattlers P10

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Being Prepared

Be careful. You can go almost anywhere you want without ever getting a bite from a rattlesnake.  The main thing to remember is that rattlers really don't wish to bite you. They only bite you if they feel that you are going to harm them.

For this reason, you must always make sure that you don't take a rattler by surprise. And never make a rattler feel trapped. In both of these situations, a rattlesnake may strike first and ask questions later.

1. Wear high boots made of heavy leather when you go into snake country. This is good protection from most rattlers, but you should still keep your eyes open. Some big rattlesnakes can strike high enough to get over the top of the boots.

2. If you come upon a rattlesnake suddenly, freeze in your tracks. Then, without turning your back, move away slowly. The snake may not be able to see you well enough to strike, if you don't make sudden moves.

3. The first thing rattlesnakes do when they see humans is get away. So let them go! Don't try chasing them or doing anything that will get them excited.

4. The first reaction,of people when they see any venom injecting snake rattlesnakes included, is to kill. When you try to kill a dangerous be aware that you are mostly likely going to get bitten.

5. Always look where you are putting your feet and your hands.

6. Never reach into holes or dark places where a rattler may be hiding.

7.  Always stay away from tall grass, if possible----and be careful if you have to walk through it.

8. Gather firewood during the day as rattlers are more active at night.

9. Always wear thick shoes in snake country---- high leatherboots are the preferable safest choice.

10. Never pick up a snake, even if it looks dead. It may not be dead just pretending to be.

11. Never quick moves if you see a rattler or hear its rattle. Back up slowly----but be sure you don't back up into another snake.

12. Always try to learn what snakes live in the area you are visiting, and what they look like. This will help you know which snakes are dangerous, and which are not.'

If you are bitten by a rattle snake:
1. Don't panic! Remember what the snake looked like. And check to be sure the fangs actually broke your skin.

2. Get a doctor as soon as you can. But send someone to do it, if possible. If you run, your blood  will pump faster and the poison will spread faster.

3. Never treat a snakebite yourself, unless there is no chance of getting a doctor.

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