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Did you know?
People, today, make theories about kissing a girl who fell asleep in the forest actually results in just corspe germs. Ew grouse or how wearing glass shoes are so impractical for a dance. Well that's one's not so crazy because the original Snowhite by the brothers Grimm actually have Snowhite's stepmother dancing in red hot iron shoes till she drops dead in front of everyone in the ball humiliating right? Of course, I would definitely prefer Disney's option for her death. If you have been humiliated and don't think others know what it feels like then go watch, "Walt Before Mickey," a movie on Netflix on how Walt Disney became who he is today. I totally recommend it. Walt is looked down upon by most of his family except his mother, brother, and his aunt. When he first started drawing pictures and said he wanted to be some kind of artist both his father and his uncle called it nonsense. As a young child the next door neighbor gave the right advice and encouraged him and when he saw Walt drew some chickens on the fence he gave him a pad and pencil and kindly asked the young boy to draw his horse. Walt accepts. Walt goes through several turning points. He goes bankrupt twice. Second not by accident but because of a man who should have known better. Ever heard of Oswald the Rabbit well these two had met and Walt Disney would've done the animation if Charles Mintz had no gone so hard with his deal. First thing Walt didn't know but Charles sent an employee of his own to break up Walt Disney's team of original animators. Stupid! Don't we all know that is cheating and taking advantage of them only to push them out when you have no use of them anymore? Unfortunately the man who was asked to do this was black and I feel bad for him. He was in a tough situation and he probably didn't want to lose his job. Walt didn't know about this but he did stop working with Mintz at that point. J
He denied the money because Number one anything he did would not be representing him and two he wanted to show his shows off to an audience so the quality could appreciated when people came to see.
One that day when he refused to sign Mintz deal he said. "I will never sell animations just to get money; I will sell them for the original quality and enjoyment of others. Who do you think got more popular? Disney did and he was more successful with Mickey Mouse than Charles Mintz ever was with Oswald the Rabbit. Although these two meet quiet often to the streets Walt Disney never showed a sign of holding a grudge towards Charles Mintz. Did you know that two of the people who created Warner Brothers originally started out with Walt Disney as some of his original animators? And Walt Disney fell in love with his own secretary? Cute right? Did you also Mickey was suppose to be the mouse's name at first? It still started with an m but had a more depressing sound to it something like Mordant but thank goodness Walt Disney's further wife to be disapproved of the name and when he said 'Mickey'
"That's perfect," She stated. "I like Mickey."

So next tome you've been humiliated look deeper. It's actually normal for mostly everyone to be humiliated in one way or another. Truth is if Disney went through this there are things in his movies that may give you a glimpse of his own life and during his childhood he read. "Pinocchio."
At the end of his movie he quotes the book its self. "'I wished upon a star sand looked what happened!"

Walt Disney has a lesson to teach everyone of us and we should listen close. It's alright to be humiliated, but it's not okay to let someone bully you into doing the wrong thing. Humiliation is not all that bad if you know how to keep from bothering you because if you can do that you're a lot more humble than you thought. Disney movies are overflowing with advice about being humble. The newest shows have been focusing on it a lot along with kindness. Sofa the first and Princess Elena of Avalor display the way we should act around people who don't have our same customs or ideas. We should treat everyone as if they were our neighbors every day. Love should always be our mission. Just a little kindness can go a long, long way.

Author's Note: Nature Saver Alert


If you don't like eating live animals then go click the link above to ban live animal eating. I mean come on who would want to a live and still freely movie octopus? Grouse! Come on me that is Grouse? Isn't it?

I will sign and you had better sign too.


Also sign the other petition to protect woman's health care from serious injustices in the United States. Let's not be cowards! Let's lend a helping hand to those in need because sharing is caring! Love should be our mission. Wouldn't you agree?

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