Chapter 21

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Hey! Y'all probably hate me for making Mark the bad guy, but the story was getting boring so I was like, SPICE IT UP WITH DRAMA!!

But please don't send me hate mail or post hateful comments! If people start doing that I'll take this series down.

And trust me, I don't want to take them down.

Introducing Melody soon, are y'all loving the drama? Amber's mad at Zac, Mark's a traitor, and Zac just saw Mark forcing a kiss on Amber. (Caleb is sleeping on the couch and Caden and Avalon are still with Amber's mother. I haven't forgotten about them lol.)

My favourite song by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is on the side.



9 more chapters until this book ends and The Marriage Project (Second Book) begins!


~Zac's POV~

You know that feeling you get when you feel used?

Yeah, that's how I feel.

Like shit.

I lock myself in the bathroom and cry, yes cry. I take out my knife and cut my arms, not deep, more like scratches. Bleeding scratches. I remember when my friend Chantelle cut herself. She always wore long sleeves, or if she wore short sleeves, she wore many, many bracelets. I was her only friend, she was bullied and harassed until the day she died. Chantelle drank bleach when she could no longer take it all. She didn't even say goodbye. She wasn't just my friend, Chantelle had been my secret girlfriend since 9th grade.

I watched her die. I held her in my arms as her internal organs shut down. By the time the ambulance arrived, she had died. I was brought in for questioning, I told them everything. I still miss her, I visit her grave at least once a week. I haven't told anyone about her, no one really knew her. Except me. She knew my story, I knew hers.

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror.

I was the boy who couldn't save Chantelle.

I was the boy who almost killed Amber.

I was the boy who almost murdered his own unborn child.

I'm a monster.

I pull back my hand, make a fist and punch the mirror. For one second I feel nothing, then I feel intense pain. My fist feels glued to the mirror, pressed against the cracked glass, my blood leaking through the lines and down the mirror.

I'm a monster.....


~Amber's POV~

Mark's lips are hot and chapped. I'm so sure I taste blood from his split lips.

I put my hands on his chest and push him away with all my strength. I look around quickly for something to defend myself but freeze when I hear the click of a hand gun.

My breath catches in my throat and I put my hands in the air. I slowly turn around. Mark holds a gun right over my heart.

"M-M-M-Mark, I-I-I'm sorry-y-y! P-please don't shoot!" I sob, my hands still in the air.

"Three...... Two......" He counts, a smirk plastered on his cruel lips.

"One. Bye bye Amber." As his finger starts to pull the trigger back four things happen in a flash.

The police push down the door.

Zac is with them.

Mark shoots.

I get shot....

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now