Chapter 6

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~Amber's POV~

It hasn't even been a day and we've already lost a kid.

No wait.

ZAC lost Avalon!

Not me!

This is his fault!

I tried to calm Caden down while I yelled at Zac, "How the fuck could you lose our child?!"

"Amber I'm so sorry! I'll find her I swear! Stay here I'll look for her." Zac ordered. He was strangely calm.

"I can't just sit here you idiot! She could have been kidnapped! She could be hurt! She could be dead! This is all your fault!" I screamed at him while tears were running down my cheeks.

I sat down and cried my heart out.

"Zac how could you?!" I sobbed.

His strong arms enveloped me into a hug with Caden in the middle.

"Sweetheart I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He mumbled over and over.

Did he just call me sweetheart?

Why don't I feel like slapping him or hitting him?

I don't care, I'll figure it out later.

I felt wanted. Comforted. Needed. Loved.

Zac pulled Caden and me onto his lap and rocked us both gently. He smelled like cinnamon and mint with a hint of Axe. I felt Zac kiss my forehead, his lips felt soft against my skin. I buried my face in his neck and breathed in his scent. Zac's arms tightened around me almost like if he let his arms slack he would lose me or I'd vanish into thin air.


"Hm? Yes Zac?" I asked feeling sleepy.

"She's in the street! Avalon is in the street!"

He placed me down on the bed and ran outside. I watched from the window and stood there horrified when he pushed her out of the way and a car smashed into him. The car drove on, leaving Zac and Avalon in the road.

"Zac! Avalon!" I screamed, running outside and into the middle of the street.

I knelt beside Zac. There was blood. His blood. Everywhere. But he was still conscious.

"Avalo--...." He tried to say but falls into unconsciousness before he can finish.

I knew what he was trying to say. Avalon first.

Avalon was sitting up and looking at her bloody knees and hands. She has scretches on her cheeks and arms. Nothing looked broken.

I pulled out my cell phone and diled 911.

"What is your emergency?" A woman's voice asked.

"My friend has been hit by a car and he's unconscious. There's a lot of blood. Please get an ambulance!" I told her, fighting to keep my voice under control. I sat my Zac and held his hand.

"Please don't die Zac, I need you." I pleaded.

10 minutes later an ambulance arrived. The medical team set Zac in the ambulance and told me to follow them to the hospital.

I set Avalon on my hip, she was no longer bloody, the medical team had cleaned and bandaged her up and Caden in my other arm. I hurried to the car and started it.

I cried the whole way to the hospital.

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now