Chapter 9

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~Amber's POV~

I smiled politely at Zac's parents across the dinner table. Mrs. Highwood's smile was abviously fake and whenever Mr. Highwood caught me looking at him or I spoke to him he'd give me the death glare. I'm glad Avalon and Caden are taking their naps. I really feel bad for Zac. I can practically see the tensing roll off him. He didn't want his parents here and now neither did I. They were really upsetting him with all their questions, hell they were even criticizing him for asking me to marry him just because I didn't have money! That made him real angry when they said that, he almost decked his father in the face! Not that I would have minded.

"I can't believe my son had a baby with you." Zac's mother said to me with distain.

I paled. What the hell?

"I.... We.... Um...." I stuttered.

Zac stood up and slammed his fist on the table. "We are Caden's foster parents. But he will be ours in four months. If you are going to talk to Amber or any of our children like you are right now then get the hell out of my house!" He shouted.

I whimpered and stared at him.

He heard my whimper and took my hand. I flinched when his hand came in contact with mine. He pulled me to his chest.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry." He tilted my face up to look at him. "I will never lay a harmful hand on you. I swear Amber."

Zac kissed me. Right in front of his parents.

When we broke away he turned to his parents. "Leave." He growled.

I buried my face in Zac's shirt. I heard chairs scrape the floor and the front door open and close.

Zac picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs. In our room he set me down standing up so he could unbutton my dress. He slipped my arms out of the red fabric and folded it nicely.

I watched Zac discard his pants and shirt while he looked me up and down.

The last thing I remember was Zac and I really going at it. Full out sex. Full out amazing.

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now