Chapter 11

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~Zac's POV~

My family never celebrated Christmas. My parents never got me presents or even spoke to me on Christmas, they were to absorbed in their work and always told me because I was a mistake I didn't deserve presents. I promised myself I would never do that to my kids. I went all out for Avalon, Caden and even Amber.

"Daddy! I wanna put da angel on the top of da tree!!" Avalon screamed from the top of the stairs.

"Sure sweetie, but you better get down here fast!" I yelled.

"I'm coming!! Wait for me daddy!!"

Finally she gets down the stairs.

"Up daddy! Up, lift me up!"

I smile and pick up my little girl and set her un my shoulders. She sets the angel on the top very crocked, but still beautiful.

"Avalon, it's time for bed so Santa can come and leave you presents." Amber says behind me, holding a sleeping Caden.

"Okay mommy, look at my angel!" Avalon exclaims, pointing up at the tree.

"Yes I see, it's very pretty honey. Go brush your teeth and get your pj's on and daddy and I will come up and say goodnight

"Yes mommy." She says before racing up the stairs, she's much faster going up them than down and disappearing into her room.

"I got you something." I tell Amber.

"Zac I told you I didn't want anything." Amber replies.

"I know but I felt like you'd like this." I say, taking a red velvet ring box out on my pocket.

Amber gasped.

"When I asked you to marry me I was half dead and I had no ring to give you. Now I'm fine and I have a ring for you. So now I will ask you again."

I get down on one knee, take the ring out of the box and hold it out to her. "Amber Autumn Hart, will you marry me?"

She smiles and nods, "Of course I will."

I take her hand and place the ring on her ring finger. I knew Amber liked simple things so I had the ring made simple, though not the traditional diamond wedding ring, mine is much better. Three emeralds on each side of a light blue sapphire, all placed in a light gold band.

"I love you Amber."

"I love you too Zac."

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now