Chapter 3

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~Amber's POV~

I buckle Caden's car seat behind the passenger seat of Zac's black Toyota. Zac does the same for Avalon behind the drivers seat.

We're stopping at my house first so I can throw some stuff together, then his house and then the mall for some for Avalon and Caden.

I'm worried. What if I'm a terrible mother to Avalon and Caden? My face must have betrayed my worries because a second later I felt Zac take my hand in his and give it a small squeeze.

"We'll be alright, I'll always be there for you from now on, I promise Amber." Zac said, not taking his eyes off the road.

I knew he meant what he said. I can honestly say I trust Zac one hundred percent. Not even an hour ago we were enemies and now..... We're friends.

Could we be more than friends?

Before I know it, Zac pulls into the driveway of my two story house.

"15 minutes." I tell him shortly. I open the door and am about to jump out when something holds me back. Zac's still holding my hand.


"Yes Zac?" I ask.

"I... Take as long as you need." He said.

I watch his face. His face betrays no emotion but his eyes do. Soft pools of liquid sapphires full of.... Love? Admiration?

That can't be.

Is Zacary Highwood in love with me?


~Zac's POV~

She's so damn beautiful. Her hair shining in the sunlight, her tank top, modest but very attractive, those crystal green eyes full of laughter and those full pink kissable lips.

I wish she was mine.

A guy can dream....

20 minutes later.........

I jump out of my Toyota and run to help when I see Amber lugging two large suitcases and a few extra things. I take both suitcases, one on each hand and toss them in the trunk.

"Thanks." I hear behind me.

"No problem babe." I say smirking.

"I told you not to call me that Zacary!" Amber exclaims.

"Fine, sorry sweetheart." I say, an evil smirk on my lips.

"Get in the car, we'll go to your house then the mall." She tells me, leaving to room for an argument.

"Fine." I mumble.


~Amber's POV~

I slide into the passenger seat and buckle myself in.

I was confused.

Very confused.

I was quiet all the way to his house, by then Alavon and Caden were fast asleep in their car seats.

Zac rolled into his driveway and got out.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes." He told me and shut his door quietly.

I started humming the tune of Forever and Always by Parachute. It was one of my favorite songs. I'm a sucker when it comes to love songs.....

...... 30 minutes later........

I jolted awake, my head hitting the ceiling.

"Sorry sweetheart, this roads full of potholes." Zac said.

I blinked at him. How long have I been asleep?

"You've been asleep for about 20 minutes, you slept through Caden's crying and Avalon's whining too." He said as if reading my mind.

"Why didn't you wake me up?! I could have helped you!" I say flustered.

"I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful." Zac said softly.

"Oh..... Thanks...." I said awkwardly.

Zac glanced at me before speaking.

"Amber I lo--"

I cut him off.

"Your vacation house is a cabin on the lake!?" I exclaim.

"Yeah...." Zac replied sadness heavy in his voice.

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now