Chapter 19

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~Zac's POV~

"Zac what have you done? You could have killed your baby dude." Mark says, glaring at me.

I stay silent.

"Zac? Are you even listening to me?"

I look at him, my face as blank as a new sheet of paper.

"Zac listen to me. She doesn't want to marry you right now. You hurt her. You were so close to punching her stomach, she sensed it and turned. You hit the girl you've loved since 7th grade."

I put my hand in my pocket and feel the warm metal of my pocket knife.

I could end all of this. Right here. Right now. I could die.

I hear a scream from upstairs. It's high pitched and frightened. It's Amber.

"Don't move." Mark says to me and runs up the stairs.

I take the knife out of my pocket and look at it.

Should I? No.

I use the small knife and cut the leather on my arm, creating a large hole in my leather jacket, and exposing my skin.

I could bleed to death.

Or slit my own throat.

Plunge it into my heart.

I could die.

I cut into my arm and draw a line. It starts bleeding instantly, the pain comes a few seconds later. Slaty tears from my eyes fall into the cut and I clench my teeth together.

I take the knife and bring it to my throat.

"Amber loves you, don't throw that away. Her love is not easily gained and not easily lost." Says a voice from the other couch.

Caleb is still here.

"I almost killed out baby." I say, my voice hoarse. I'm still holding the Knute at my throat.

"Don't kill yourself, do you want that baby to grow up without a father?" He asks weakly.

"No, but...."

"Then you can't did Zac. They need you." Caleb says, almost to quiet for me to hear.

"You're right...." I tell him, but he's already asleep.

I put away my knife and press a small blanket to my arm.

I'm needed.

I need to live.

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now