Chapter 18

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~Zac's POV~

I pulled into the driveway and burst through the door.

I see my football friend Mark sleeping on the couch and a guy I've never met on the other couch. Amber's cleaning a wound on the unknown guys arm.

"Amber?" My voice cracks.

"Hey darlin'. How was guys night?" She asks.

"Um.... Fine.... Who's he?" I ask, nodding my head to the guy in front of her.

"This is Caleb.... My ex boyfriend....." I say quietly.

"You're cheating on me?!" I yell waking up Mark.

"I am not! But it looks like you are!" She points to my neck.

I look at the mirror on the wall.

There are bite marks on my neck.

Oh my god.

I reach out to Amber but she backs away.

"Don't touch me you sick little cheater!" She screams with tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Amber please! It's not what you think!" I take two steps toward her.

Mark blocks my path.

"Leave her alone Zac." He threatens me.

"Move." I say glaring at him.

Amber backs against the wall, her arms encircling her stomach.

I punch Mark in the jaw. I fly backwards when he nails me right in the stomach with his fist. I pull him down onto the couch, get on him and start punching him.

"Stop!" Amber screams running toward us.

She pulls my shirt and without thinking, punch her hard in the hip. I watch in horror as the flies back and crumples to the ground, trembling and holding the unborn baby tightly.

"Amber I di--." I start.

But before I can finish, I fall to the floor.



~Amber's POV~

He hit me.

Zac hit me!

I lay there on the floor stroking my baby bump.

"Mommy's here Baby, mommy's here." I whisper.

Since I wanted to be surprised by my baby's gender I just call them Baby.

"Amber, go to bed in Avalon's room." Mark says softly.

"Will you call my mother and tell her to postpone my wedding? I just can't do it...." I ask.

"Of course. Now go lay down."

I nod and walk up the stairs. In Avalon's room, I lay down and before my head hits the pillow, I'm fast asleep.

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now