Chapter 8

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~Amber's POV~

Oh my freaking god!

"Yes!!! Holy crap yes!!!" I practically scream. I throw my arms around him but quickly let go when he flinches.


"Sorry! I'm just really happy!"

"I can see that." Zac said, smiling.

I settled down next to him, my fingers playing with his blonde hair until we both fall asleep.

~ 3 weeks later ~

~Zac's POV~

"Amber! Have you seen my dress pants?" I yell from our bedroom.

"In the closet, left hand side!" She yelled back.

"Thank you!" I shout.

Today was Avalon's birthday. Just because she's not mine by blood does not mean that she's not my little princess. My little girl is turning three today.

I know what you're thinking, the quarterback is a softy and a pussy.

Ha, no!

Amber, Avalon and Caden are my family.

We're more a family than my brother, my parents and I EVER were!

Ever since I got out of the hospital 3 weeks ago my life's been kinda hard. Most nights I wake up sweating and scared because of the nightmares I've been having. Sometimes I even cry out and wake Avalon, who's room is across the hall, or Caden, who sleeps in a crib on Amber's side of the bedroom. Amber stays up with me every night until I fall asleep. She even stays with me all night, only moving from my side when she has to feed Caden.

"Zac? Are you okay?" I hear Amber ask from the doorway.

I look down. I'm standing in my boxers and holding the dress pants so tight my knuckles are white. I'm breathing like I just ran a 3k at full speed.

"I'm.... Fine." I tell her.

She takes the pants from me and smooths out the wrinkles I made before laying them on the bed.

Amber takes both my hands.

"What's wrong?" She asks, letting go of one hand and holding my face.

I lean into her tough and close my eyes. I feel tears in the corner of my eyes.

I will not cry.

I will not cry.

A few seconds later I feel wetness trail down my cheeks and Amber's head on my shoulder with her arms around my waist.l

"Oh Zac..... I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry.... I should have been watching her! I should have stopped you! I'm so sor--"

"Stop Amber. Stop." I pull away and rest my hands on her shoulders, my gaze was hard but my eyes are still full of tears. "It was not your fault. I jumped in front of that car to save Avalon. That was my choice."

I pulled her to me and hugged her close. My shirt muffled her small sobs and her hair soaked up my tears.

"I love you Amber Autumn Hart. I will always love you. I will never cheat on you. I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life. I want you to be mine and only mine. I will never hurt you physically, mentally or emotionally. I know I'm not Mr. Perfect but as long as you're staying, I'm trying. I love you Amber Autumn soon to be Highwood."

"I love you too Zacary River Highwood."

I tilted her face up and kissed her passionately.

"I will never let you go." I whispered before kissing her softly.

"I won't let you go either." Amber replied.

"Lets go celebrate Avalon's birthday my beautiful sweetheart." I smiled.

"Sure honey. But you might want those pants of yours." She pointed to the bed and smirked.

"Eh what if I don't want pants?"

My eyes widen when she spanks me.

Holy shit!

"Well that escalated quickly." I laughed.

"Yes, yes I did. Hurry up, everyone's waiting."

Book 1 of The Teenage Parents Series: The Baby ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now