Kyrie's P. O. V

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I stood in front of the mirror, thinking about what Cole said. It's not like my parents are gonna say no to his request but I never thought that he would want to call him his parents. That makes me feel good as hell! I walk out the bathroom and down to my patents' room. "Come in." They say after I knock. "What's up, Mona Lisa?" My mom asks. "So, I was asking Cole what he wanted for his birthday and he said ... he said that he wanted to call y'all 'mom' and 'dad'." I say and they look at each other. "How do you feel about that?" My dad asks. "I don't care. I think it's a great idea. I just never thought he'd suggest it. But I think he needs this." I say and they nod. "Ok. Tell him it's cool." My dad says. "Aight. Night, y'all." I say and kiss their cheeks before walking out. I make my way back to my now empty room. I shrug and lay down when my phone vibrates. It was a message from my cousin in Florida. (Cousin Nooke. Kyrie.)


Sup, niggah?

Aye there, thugga!

Wyd? Btw, I hacked your fb

Fuck for? And nothing. Laying down. Hbu?

Cause mine was acting up and you're friends with bae ass.

And? Btw, who bae now?


Mestre or Dawkins?


Oh shit! Kill em!

Lmao. So, yea. You might wanna erase most of the messages between you and him. We was saying some shit!

Eww! Don't elaborate. I'm finna do it now.


I go to the messages between my cousin and her little boyfriend. A. k. a., my little thugga. I'm reading and seconds from throwing up. They were practically having sex through my Facebook. Bitches! I delete the conversation and call Cole. He doesn't answer. Maybe he's in the shower. I send him a good night text and then take my ass to sleep. 3 days without my Novio is starting tomorrow. Awwww! I'm gonna miss him. Little niglet.

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