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Chapter 53

My ears perk up at the familiar stride of a certain blind vigilante marching towards the interrogation room I'm calmly sitting in. I haven't expressed the anger I'm currently collecting inside of me, but I do my best and keep a neutral face, waiting for the Devil to let himself out to deal with the pigs.

The door opens and Matt makes a beeline over to me, his expression deadly serious. If looks could kill I'd drop dead from that death glare he's giving me.

"What the hell happened? It only took three hours before you were almost killed! How could you even–" He cuts himself off, his lips left parted as the words he was going speak stay on his tongue. The hard expression softens slightly and I realize why, can he tell I was crying? To be honest, it was mostly crocodile tears, but I did shed a few real tears imagining who those men were.

Of course they were horrible people, they tased and suffocated me—all while trying to hang and kill me. But... did they have girlfriends or boyfriends? Wives or husbands? Sons or daughters? Are people going to miss them? Are people going to cry for them? Or are they just going to be John Smith in the morgue? Will the two left living get paid or killed? Did they choose to or were they blackmailed? Was their family threatened?

So yes, I cried at the thought that I killed someone who matter to someone.

I'm scared that I killed someone like my mother— wrong place, wrong time.

I force a sly smile on my face, adjusting my newly cuffed hands on the table, "How was traffic? Hopefully not too bad, it is New York but it's not rush hour and–"

"Ember, what happened?" Matt repeats, moving over to take a seat.

I hang my head slightly, sighing, "At around 5, five guys walked to my cell, unlocked it, then came in and attacked me with tasers," He stays quiet, but the familiar tick in his jaw returns.

"I fought them off, but then one guy held me while the other one strangled me with a fucking bed sheet." My voice is laced with venom and some of my bottled up aggression is starting to spill out.

"You killed three of them." Matt says and my eyes narrow at him.

Before I can even retort a scoff leaves his lips, "It was self defense! I was out numbered and was unarmed."

He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose in clear annoyance, "They told me you crushed one guy's nose and shattered another one's skull. Not to mention that they're having trouble identifying the last one because of how swollen his face is. And, I know for a fact that you did all of that with your bare hands."

"Would you rather I died?" I snap after he finishes his speech.

"Ember don't–"

"Because I can gladly go and hang myself." We glare at each other for a few moments of silence before he stands up and extends his cane.

"You've been released, so lets go." He growls in the most lawyer-esque tone he could manage at that moment of mixed emotions.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "Released–?"

"They'll send you a letter about the court date, so you aren't totally free, but for now I think our main focus is on who sent those guys after you," He pauses by the door, presumably waiting for me to walk with him, "And Maria is waiting outside the precinct, and by the way she was talking, I think she's mad... at you."

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now