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Chapter 8

"Mom, if God is real, why the hell did he take you away when I was ten? Then leave me with an abusive, alcoholic, drug addicted excuse of a father to 'take care of me'?" I ask while balling my fists up against my eyes, wiping the new tears away.

I take a deep breath and look up at the cloudy sky, calm down. Don't let what that mask said get to you.

"How's the recruiting going?"

I turn around quickly and see Captain America behind me in a leather jacket and sunglasses.

"Working on it. I uh, see that SHIELD hasn't changed its dress code." I comment making him chuckle. Please ignore my puffy eyes... god ignore my puffy eyes.

"And by your cut lip and bruised cheek, I can tell you've had a long day." He points out making me laugh and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, the devil did this," I gesture to my face, "Then gave me therapy- oh and did I mention that Frank Castle was there and my help beacon got disabled?"

"Well that sounds like one hell of a night." He says before we pause in silence.

I cock my eye brow up before stating the obvious, "Why are you here?"

He crosses his arms defensively, "Why are you here?"

An amused look just plasters across my face before I take a step to the side and gesture to the grave, and then the grave across from her's which is my fathers.

A tint of embarrassment crosses his face, did I just embarrass Captain America? "Right..."

"Mhm." I say with a small smile across my lips. Mostly because god this is a bit awkward- why is everything with me a bit awkward?

He puts his hand up like he remember something before digging into his pocket and pulling out some scraps of paper, "There is a gang gathering woman, and the Devil is stopping groups of them."

He hands me the papers and I flick through them, locations, names, Chinese mafia...the norm.

"Got it." I say while tucking them into my pocket, then I notice an interesting figure past behind him on the street.

The Devil? No. Maybe? I recognize the silhouette.

"Are you going to be okay? It's getting late." He points out, confused by why I'm looking around us suddenly with great suspicion.

"Yeah... I'll be fine, thanks." I say while picking my bag up off the ground and pulling the roses out from it, but not before pricking my finger against a thorn.

"Those are pretty." He says before I toss them down.

"Bet they are, Captain." I say while ignoring my bleeding finger and instead tucking my hands away.

"Right... color blind." He mumbles while walking out of the cemetery with me.

I just nod my head a bit, used to it at this point. Yeah, by twenty-six you get used to it.

"And, before you walk away only to probably go after the Devil again, can I just tell you something?" He says while looking down at me.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now