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Chapter 24

I retrieve my hand back away from him and I clench my fists at my side, digging my nails into my palm to hold myself together, "I'm sorry that I dragged you into my life."

He doesn't answer, only tilts his head to the side to listen to me more clearly. My breathing is a bit jagged but my heart beat is surprisingly calm, and that seems to trigger something in him. A more calm demeanor.

His shoulders relax slightly and he straightens his head forward, "So that's what you sound like when you don't lie."

I can't help but let out a shallow laugh and lean up against the counter for a bit of support, I will admit that I can take my own breath away sometimes too.

"It's a coping mechanism... it's just a tack on my dart board of problems." I comment with a hint of darkness in my tone as I rub my thumb across my rapidly healing knuckles.

He turns around to face me, his jaw hardened again, and glaring at me through his glasses, "I figure you are going to stay at SHIELD then?"

I bite down at the inside of my cheek, anxiously, "I can't say here."

His body changes immediately from angry to surprised, his mouth even falls slightly agape, "Because of the AI, it reports back to-"

"Yeah," I answer simply while pushing myself away from the counter and walking past him, "She's the equivalent of a wire trap."

He lets out an amused chuckle while following after me, "She's? It's an Artificial Intelligence, Ember."

I shoot him a glare, "I know what AI stands for, M- hm." I manage to cut myself off with an annoyed hum, but then decide to still whisper, "Fuck you." I don't want SHIELD knowing who Matt is.

This causes him to actually laugh, and his smile sends me a chill up my back, "No thanks."

I roll my eyes while walking into my bedroom and before he takes a step after me I stop abruptly. The hell does he think he's doing?

He slams against my back but quickly regains his footing and lets out an annoyed huff, "What was that for?"

I turn around and push him back a step, "You are lucky I even let you in my living room and kitchen. Unless you are dying and need a death bed, you aren't going in my room, mister."

"What are you, twelve? I need to talk to you." He scoff at my childish behavior, but I just smirk and close the door while whispering, "No boys allowed..."

I will admit, I like making him annoyed and frustrated, it's amusing to me. Plus, he bites his lips/ licks them more when he's frustrated or angry... and that's highly amusing.

"Ember! I came to talk to you!" He calls through the door, and I can hear the twinge of anger and annoyance in his voice.

"Call ahead next time." I suggest nonchalantly while shrugging off my tank top and sweatpants.

He pauses for a moment, probably listening to my shuffle of clothes, but then speaks up, "What are you doing?"

I roll my eyes, despite the fact that whether or not he was behind a door he wouldn't see me roll them, "I'm taking a shower... that's why I said 'Call ahead.' I have plans."

"And you can't pause for a moment to talk to me?" He asks, his tone becoming more annoyed by the second.

"I'll be out in like... five minutes, and if not... I don't know make yourself some coffee." I answer with a shrug, not waiting for his answer and instead just going into my bathroom to indeed shower.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now