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Thank you all for 3,000 reads! Also the update yesterday was a miss-click on my part, sorry about the confusion. Love you all, have an amazing day/night/afternoon

Chapter 38

It's a Friday night, I'm twenty-five, and I'm lying on my couch reading and listening to some sort of old horror movies in the background.

Should I get a few cats as well?

My eyes are actually closed and my fingers are just lightly scanning the Braille. My thoughts aren't allowed to drift, my mind is forced to stay focused on the task of reading, and the background noise is just further insinuating my mind to stay concentrated on this one thing.

Because the worse thing that could happen is that I let my mind wander off– especially after yesterday's encounter.

My not-thoughts are interrupted, however, by the impending footsteps walking towards my apartment. At this point, I can recognize the stride, and I feel my heart rate pick up before he even reaches the door. What happened to the whole 'I'm not scared of him anymore' thing that I had going one? Frankly, I enjoy not having a heart attack every other day.

When he does knock, I debate whether or not I just hide in my closet, but I realize I'm not a child anymore. I can't hide from my problems any longer.

I turn the volume on the television down and I set the book carefully on the side table. Can't I have one normal evening without having to beat the shit out of someone or have the shit beaten out of me?

"Coming!" I shout, pushing myself from the comfort of the couch and strolling towards the door, taking my time so I can start to think of sarcastic comebacks to whatever he says. I have to actually will myself to unlock the door, and force myself to open it.

Remember how small you felt in the presence of a god? How come you feel more terrified of a blind man then a deity itself?

I stare up at the Devil in a business suit with anything but a pleased expression on my face, "I should really file a restraining order on you, because at this point, it's just plain creepy how you can find me."

He smiles effortlessly at that, "You aren't very good at hiding, plus, your pizza guy always seems to know where you are."

I roll my eyes at the mention of Emilio, "Now that's just cheating."

We pause for a moment of silence and I take this chance I look him over. He just came from his office, although he does look a bit stressed, and I know why. And I'm not pleased.

His firm decided to pro bono the Frank Castle case to lower his sentence so he doesn't get the death penalty.

Which in my eyes is basically saying, "Hey, you know on second thought, this guy might not be as bad as we think he is! He only killed X number of people, and illegally owned X number of firearms; but hey, when you look at it from a different angle, he can be a pretty chill dude."

"Why are you here, anyways? I thought I made it pretty clear to not come near me." I say, my voice wavering slightly and I mentally hit myself for that.

He lightly holds up a bag containing some styrofoam containers, "I wasn't doing anything, and you're drinking cheap wine by yourself, so I figured that maybe you would want some takeout and company."

I feel my heart skip slightly at how generally nice he is being, but all I can think is that he is just pitying me– oh come on. Stop thinking that everyone pities you and feels sorry for you. No one cares. "And here I was, thinking I was the only one alone on a Friday night." I open my door wider and gesture for him to come in, not caring whether or not he'll see it.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now