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Chapter 15

"This is Ember." Matt introduces me to his friends.

I give a kind smile to both Foggy and Karen, who wholeheartedly return it.

"What brings you to Hell's Kitchen at a time like this?" Foggy asks curiously.

Just guessing that they have no clue about Matt, so I'm just going to let him deal with his own problems.

"This is my hometown. I came back after college because I don't think you can truly leave New York." I answer... honestly? I mean that's basically true. I got a leave on SHIELD so I could finish college, then I had to come back. So it's the truth with a couple details missing.

"Oh, you're from here?" Karen asks surprised.

I nod my head 'yes' and take a sip of... whatever the hell they are drinking.

"So how did you two meet then?" Foggy asks, and I almost cough up my liquor- partially because damn is it strong, and the other half because it sounded like he thought we were-

"I knew her when I was younger." Matt lies easily, and I just go with it.

They both appear surprised at this statement, I have to admit this is pretty entertaining.

"How? From school or-"

"Church, actually." I say, holding back my smirk as Matt's face contorts slightly at my sudden interest in the topic, "One of those Bible Studies, I thought it was kind of stupid but, Saint Matthew over here thought otherwise."

The conversation draws a bit away from us, and under his breath he mutters to me, "Could you be anymore blatant?"

"I could try." I have to bite my cheek to hold back a laugh as he rolls his eyes.


Three beers and two REALLY drunk people later, we decided to just walk because it's one of those nights in New York (in late November) that isn't freezing.

Foggy and Karen are walking a few paces in front of Matt and I, and I'm at the ready to jump forward to catch one of them.

"You don't seem that drunk." Matt comments at my normal walking pace.

"Neither do you." I retort, avoiding any question about it.

He laughs lightly, "I didn't drink as much as you three."

I roll my eyes, "It's not like the police are going to ask you to walk in a straight line."

We walk for a few more moments in silence before he starts to talk again, "So should I ask why you came?"

"Should you? Probably not." I answer a bit stubbornly.

"Because all the times we met, it ended in us fighting."

"Nights still young." I muse making him laugh again, and I can't help but put my head down and smile.

"Em?" Oh god not him. Fuck.

I turn around quickly and stare with wide eyes at Wade, oh fuck him.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss at him.

"Who is he-"

"I could ask the same question." Wade says, cutting Matt off, and shits going to go down unless I force it down.

I look from Wade to Matt and sigh, "This is why I don't go out, just make sure they get home okay."


"Matt for gods sake, please! ...I'll see you later." I grab Wade's arm and pull him away, ignoring Matthew's calls after me.

"In Chicago I see-"

I cut him off by punching him square in the jaw, "You have no fucking right to talk to me, you hear me Wilson?"

I watch as his face goes from shocked to actually slightly scared.


"No. Fucking. Right." I repeat, each word with more and more venom.

"C'mon, I was just trying to say 'hi'. Maybe we could go and check a few people off of my list?" He suggests making me more and more furious.

"Your list? Am I just some fucking weapon in your utility belt that you can pull out when you need to mark someone off of your list? Am I just another fucking tool to you?" I push him back and he stumbles for a bit before regaining his balance.

He knows not to fuck with me, but here he is, fucking with me.

He's just a smug little bastard who thinks he can just pop in and out of my life whenever he wants.

I should have done this a while ago.

"No! Em, you know I don't think that!" He defends, putting his arms out to block anymore of my hits.

"You're right, your the tool." I turn on my heel and march away from him.

"Em! Wait!" He calls after me. I whip around and push him up against a wall. Which is rather impressive saying he's almost a foot taller than me.

"Wade, I swear to God! If you call me, find me, or even just breathe in my general vicinity, I WILL PUT A BULLET IN YOUR BRAIN!" I threaten making him chuckle.

"I can't die." He reminds me.

I grab his shirt collar and pull his face down to my level, "Well, we'll see how many bullets it takes until you forget how to breathe."

His eyes widen while mine remain in a steady glare at him.

"You still don't scare me, Ember." He says in a low voice.

I let him go and take a few steps back, "That's a lie."

I walk out of the alley and I start to go down the street.

"Go! Run to your boyfriend! Good luck protecting him!" He yells after me.

I turn my head slightly, "He can protect himself just fine."

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now