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Chapter 29

I turn the water off and I'm still mumbling the lyrics softly to myself, a bit blissful about how I finally get a day off- sort of. I can just put on a big sweater, drink coffee, read a book... I can finally relax for a bit. It'll be like I'm back in college...

I finish drying my hair slightly and I throw it up into a high ponytail just to get it out of my face, the curse of curly hair.

I throw on a big sweater that has a small crown in the corner for Columbia, I remember my roommate in college stole it from one of the gift shops on campus for my birthday because she was broke. It was and is still huge on me, goes to my mid thighs, but damn is it comfy.

I throw on a pair of shorts and walk out, glaring at Matt slightly because he moved around without warning, "If you-"

"I didn't break another stitch, I promise." He says defensively, putting his hands in the air.

I notice immediately he doesn't have my book and I panic slightly, looking around quickly for it before spotting it on my wooden coffee table. Learned my lesson with any glass tables. Bad idea. "Better not have, otherwise I'd just ship your ass to the nearest hospital."

He laughs, straining it slightly, holding his arms over the cut. Painkillers.

I nod my head to myself while standing on my toes to attempt to see what books are on the shelf- I swear Stark was told my height and made everything an inch or two higher then normal, just to annoy me.

"Struggling over there?" Matt asks, obviously amused by the sound of me struggling to read the book covers.

"Bite me." I growl while choosing a book, and dropping back down to my heels, causing Matt to start laughing again. I'll just hurt him by making him laugh. It's like my own twist on kill 'em with kindness.

"Four eleven?" He questions lightly, as a joke, but a pang of pain hits my heart. Skyler always joked about me being four eleven... okay calm down. It's just a height.

I walk into my kitchen and start to make myself some coffee, "Five two."

"Aw, did you forget to grow?" He smirks at me, and I send an unamused glare his way.

"If you are going to insult my height, at least be creative. Jesus, it's not like you are a towering giant. I've met high schoolers taller then you." I scoff, and I watch his smirk dissipate, making me smile a bit. I do get enjoyment out of crushing egos... that makes me happy.

He doesn't respond, just lays his head back, probably listening. To what, I have no idea.

My coffee finishes brewing and I walk back to the couch, not before grabbing a bottle of water for Matt and the bottle of painkillers. He doesn't seem to acknowledge when I place it down on the coffee table near him, but it doesn't seem to bother him so why should it bother me.

I sit back on the couch, crossing my legs underneath me, and start to read my book which is The Stranger by Albert Camus. I remember reading this once, it was for an English assignment in my Freshman year at Columbia. The teacher was very friendly. He taught high school most of his life, then was offered this job after he retired so he decided to come teach the Freshman English because we were fresh out of high school... well most of us.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now