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Chapter 17

"You're not a monster." Matt says, attempting to try and prove something.

"Do you think Frank Castle is a monster? Shoot first ask questions later? Because if you think he's a monster but not me, that's prejudice." I close the case holding my suit and I face him.

He laughs slightly, "How is that prejudice-"

"Because it's a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience." I argue, and I can tell that makes him a bit frustrated.

"It's not an opinion, it's a fact." He says in his, 'Don't attempt to argue with me' voice, "You are not a monster, Ember, you are just a flawed human being."

I cross my arms over my chest, "And what does that make you and every other human being?"

He sighs and looks away from me, "Still flawed."

"So are my flaws greater than your own?"

"I'm not saying that!" He snaps at me, causing me to stare at him in amusement.

"Huh, because it sort of sounds like you are." I snap back sarcastically.

"God, how are you not a lawyer?" He muses as I walk past him.

A humans perception of another is so fragile. First impressions are everything, they show what you are like to strangers. Nice, rude, shy, trusting, untrusting, hostile, passive... it spells out one of the most prominent parts of someone's personality.

"You know what the Director told me when I went in to change my position?" I ask him curiously.

"That recruiting would be a nonviolent solution for you to deal with your problems?" He questions making me shake my head and sigh, disappointed.

"I wish... He told me that he doesn't want another Frank Castle running around on the streets." I pause slightly, but continue once I see the cold complexion he has, "The only reason why I got back into being a marksmen was because they were afraid that I might go out and make my own list. That I might turn into a mercenary or just become another Frank Castle."

He stays eerily silent, he fucking thinks that too... doesn't he?

"God damnit Matthew." I mutter while turning away from him and marching into my bedroom.

"Ember.." He calls softly after me.

"I should have fucking known."

"I'm worried about you-"

"I should have just stuck to punching you." I growl, my fists balling up at the look of concern on his face.

He stops and goddamnit he licks his lips- I swear to god he does this on purpose, "Well then do it."

I don't hesitate to run at him and throw a punch, but he just catches it and flips me over and onto my bed.

"Feel better?" He asks almost tauntingly.

"Not until you're bleeding." I answer, rather frustrated and extremely pissed off.

I throw a few more punches and I hit him all the times except the last; where he kicks me away, but I stay upright and just hold my fists up, like a boxer.

"Are you really enjoying this, Ember? Really? Because I don't believe you." He presses, taking a few steps back as I approach him with murder spelled across my face.

"Enjoying this? Maybe. I'll be honest here, mister," I revert back to using proper nouns to talk to him. "I might just really like the sound of your panicked voice and how you react to a punch."

He can't help but smirk a bit at that, "You must really like my voice then."

I jump up and kick him back, slamming him through the door of my bathroom.

"Thrill of the fight." I muse while wandering over to his recovering body.

He reaches up to grab onto the sink but I grab his arm and lift him up instead, and by the look on his face, he is terrified.

"I- ach- Ember-" He cuts himself off to listen to my heart beat.

Steady. A lot steadier than his.

"I'm calm, Matthew. Can you guess why?" I ask him, still holding him clean in the air.

"S-SHIELD?" He stutters.

I set him down and he stumbles a bit, "Although I don't have some super chemical X in me, I do have my own abilities."

His eyes scan wildly around the room we are in and at me, "How are you so calm while beating someone up, but as soon as anything remotely intimate happens you-"

"Intimate? Nothing intimate has happened." I say confused and slightly flustered.

He grabs my waist gently, and I attempt to move away, but he holds me still, "Ember, you are human..."

I stare up at him, biting my lip slightly, "Barely."

He leans down and captures my lips with his own and we do something that I never expected, we kissed.

He kissed me to prove a point. To prove his point, that I'm human despite what I say. Despite what SHIELD says.

Am I angry?

I'm not sure.

Am I frustrated?

A different kind of frustrated now.

Am I enjoying this?

...way more then punching his face.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now