Q&A and Chat

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Since I've been digging myself a hole in the past few chapters, let's give me a small break to read up on some laws.(fun)

cxspian Matt, why are you so annoying?
Sadly, I couldn't interview the blind Devil himself for this question, so you'll have to settle for my 'artistic interpretation':

Ember is a marksman(former or not former, she has killed dozens of people and injured even more). Matt is a vigilante who believes that it's not his job to decide who lives, who dies, who tells your story blah blah blah. This of course brings us to the main conflict:

How the hell can they work together, let alone stand each other when they both know that in the end, they are basically polar opposites?

The story is told in mostly Ember's point of view (with some exceptions for snippets of Matthew's) because (saying that my demographics are 79% female) most of the readers could maybe picture themselves in her shoes. Not everyone grows up in a loving family, not everyone has the leisure of knowing that your mom or dad or guardian will come home safe, that you'll come home safe—so if you meet someone who DIDN'T have to worry about anything YOU have to worry about on a daily basis, someone who doesn't understand what a day in your life entails, someone who claims they know what it's like, that they understand, but they don't and they will never... that would be quite frustrating and annoying.

So that's maybe why Matt is so annoying... because he doesn't understand what's going through her head, and he might not ever understand what she's gone through.

cazziepanera What's your favorite color and season?

I have horrible pollen allergies so I love the fall. The colorful leaves and warm jumpers are my favorite part of it. Plus I play soccer in the fall and it's much better the spring soccer because I can't get sunburnt. My favorite color is blue, specifically navy blue because it's dark and is similar to a dark gray, but with more pigments.

LicoriceCoffee Did anyone inspire you for Ember's characterization?

A bit of myself and a bit of just brave women in general. I say myself because god I am stubborn, I'm so goddamn stubborn and I know I am. I will argue with someone just for the sake of holding my opinion above my head. I'm an asshole. Also the way Ember carries herself is similar to the way I do. I am an extroverted introvert, I tend to curse way too much when I get in a heated conversation, no one can make me do something that I don't want to do, and I don't do emotions very well. I consider myself to be logical, not emotional.

When I say brave people in general, I'm talking about the simple things. Standing up for yourself, not backing down easily, protecting those closest to them, not letting any guy push them around. People who really care about someone they just met. Not letting someone discriminate against someone they don't even know. Women who don't give a fuck about what society says about them, women who will go and do what's right even when everyone else is doing what's wrong.

Also, I think Believer by Imagine Dragons and Immortals by Fall Out Boy might have given me some inspiration as well.

And because that was literally all the questions, didn't expect any really, how about a nice chat in the comments going off of these next questions:

1.) Does anyone have any good criminal justice websites where I can talk to an attorney?

2.) Who is your favorite character so far?

3.) On a scale from 1-10, one being 'wtf is wrong with you' ten being 'you are a perfectly functioning member of society' and five being 'you need to stop watching Netflix and Marvel movies', how would you psychoanalyze me after reading this book?

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, I'll be on Google all day so... I'll be available basically.

Love you all, have an amazing day/night/afternoon

Sorry if I scared you.

New chapter coming out once I finish figuring out how the hell New York laws work.

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