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Chapter 19

I flip through the yellow pages while sipping my coffee, can I go one day without all hell breaking loose?

SHIELD has put me on suspension until I sign the damn Sokovia Accords, while I keep arguing that they are bullshit and they don't apply to me.

I was never injected with anything. Never went near radiation. Hell, I wasn't ever bitten by a mutated spider. There is no possible way that just because my cells 'regenerate faster' naturally means that I'm 'superhuman' it's complete bull.

"You have a new email from encrypted@DleIHsSPECopTs.gov... shall I read it out?" SARAH informs me with a softer voice then usual.

Stark must have tampered with her volume, undoubtedly had a hangover when he was here.

"What was the email address?" I question, looking up from the book confused.

"Encrypted@DleIHsSPECopTsDiV.gov... shall I read the email out?" She repeats the address and my mind suddenly flushes with recognition... SHIELD Spec. Opts. Div.

"... okay." I say softly, standing up as if to ward of any immediate threat.

"Agent Richards, we are sorry to inform you that until you are to sign the Sokovia Accords, you are to be placed under code 125-56 article 1-12, which implies that any agent under the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division who does not follow any immediate commands from their commanding officer or ranking above will be stripped of any and all ranks in the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division and will remain that way until the commands are followed through. We are aware that you have been put on suspension, but consider this a temporary expulsion. Regards, SHIELD Special Operations Division."

"Are you kidding me?!" I yell, throwing my coffee down onto the table, "Expulsion?!"

What is this? Middle School? They are 'temporarily' expelling me from SHIELD? For gods sake...

"SARAH, call... fuck... Never mind." I snap while marching across the living room and into my bedroom.

I need a fucking lawyer, but I also need someone who knows what the hell I do... goddammit.


I walk through the office building, steadying my breathing as much as I can manage... unless you want to go to jail, he is the only lawyer you got.

I get to a door with a cardboard sign taped to the door that reads, Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law.

Defense Attorney... not exactly what I need but still... they know law. My dad was a defense attorney but he still knew the other parts of law... shit... maybe I should just go home and Google the stuff.

Yeah, and probably sign away all my freedom while I'm at it, c'mon Ember! It won't be that complicated. Just have Matt read over it, see if there is anything that I should know about that they aren't telling me... it'll be fine.

... and explaining why I need to sign it will be another story. Oh God- JUST KNOCK ON THE DOOR!

I reach out with a steady hand and I knock on the door, this follows with a bit of commotion from the other side.

Blurry Vision ∷ Daredevil; Matthew MurdockWhere stories live. Discover now