Chapter 38

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It had taken her a few minutes to get every piece of information she just received to get through as Laura was leaning against her car, staring at the door that he had disappeared through earlier. Her hand finds the incomplete necklace laying on her chest like there's nothing wrong, but quickly drops it when realizing she's not supposed to wear it.

''You caused your own pain.''

She did. She caused everything. She broke them up, she caused her own pain and his pain and still, she managed to convince herself that she was going through a tough time without even thinking about Ross. He didn't have any control over the situation, he had to simply accept the fact that his girlfriend didn't think he was worth fighting for. She couldn't even imagine how that must've felt.

With a shaken hand, she finally manages to open her car door, stepping in before letting her hands rest on the steering wheel. Not starting her car, she opens sun visor together with the mirror cover attached to it. With the plan to just check her makeup before driving away, she ends up staring at herself with eyes filled with disbelief. Only now she realizes that every action she had made to forget about him, pushing him out of her life, hurt him even more, more than she could ever imagine.

After arriving home later, she sneaks upstairs, careful not to wake anyone before immediately lying down on her bed without bothering to change into her pyjamas. After a short and restless sleep, she wakes up at dawn. After pacing around her room for a while anxiously, she grabs her phone, calling a certain number while walking out the front door.

''I know you're mad at me and I deserve every bit of it.'' Ross listens to Laura's voice through his phone, the sound touching a chord after what happened the night before. ''You opened my eyes last night. I don't want you to forgive me, I just don't want out final goodbye to be like this.''

He feels the same way. Even though finally speaking his mind felt great, there was a part of him mad at himself for the way he handled it. He understood he shouldn't have yelled at her and the memory of Laura pressed against the car with big eyes of shock make the guilt feeling even stronger.

''If you call me back, maybe we can end things differently.'' He hated how that sounded, 'ending things'. But he knew he didn't have a choice, things weren't the way they used to be and going back to that time seemed impossible. Squeezing his phone between his shoulder and ear as he uses two hands to zip his backpack shut, he hears her voice more clearly. As she takes a short break, catching her breath as she sighs deeply, the sound of crashing waves appears in the background. ''If you don't, then I know that's it.''

Crashing waves. It shocks him as he realizes what he wanted, he wanted to see her. Whether it was the last time they would see each other in private or the last chance to save whatever there was to be saved, he needed to go. It didn't take him long to figure out her location, she had gushed about her favourite place to be early in the morning often, when there weren't any people yet.

''I'm- I'm really sorry, Ross,'' her voice cracks before a dial tone tells him the voicemail ended. Without hesitating, he grabs a light jacket before running out the door. When arriving at the guessed destination, he spots her easily. Wearing a white knitted top, she almost blends in as she sits on the white sand, her arms wrapped around her knees.

The water almost touched her bare feet every time it washed up on the shore, but she didn't seem to mind as she was staring at the horizon absentmindedly. Her brown waves hung over her back, moving slightly with every gust of wind that touched them, he sees as he walks closer. When she doesn't seem to notice him, he quietly lowers himself on the sand next to her, but even then, she keeps staring straight ahead, not even blinking once. They sit in silence, listening to the waves before he finally hears her voice.

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