Chapter 10

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''What the heck happened in there?'' Raini is looking at Laura from top to bottom with judging eyes, a small smile playing on her lips. Calum and she exchange a knowing look. Laura looks down and sees what they mean; her shorts had risen an inch or two, dangerously showing more skin than she wanted, the hem of her tank top was cropped up and a strap had fallen off her shoulder. Feeling her hair, she notices it being even messier than when she got out of bed this morning.

''We had a pillow fight,'' she explains, but adds, looking up, after two seconds of thinking, ''but without the pillows...'' Raini looks at her confused but Laura shakes her head, not being able to explain.

''You had a pillow fight, without any pillows? That doesn't make any sense,'' Raini comments and looks at the confused Calum behind her.

''Can I change now, please?'' She pushes through her two friends who watch her enter her room until the door closes and then turn to each other.

''I give it a week.'' Raini looks at him knowingly. Calum shakes his head and puts his hand out for her to shake.

''No way, they're in denial. At least two.'' She looks at him while shaking her curls. Shaking her hands, they make the silent bet and return to their rooms.


''Today, we're not gonna shoot,'' Kevin told the four actors at breakfast. ''You probably all noticed it snowed overnight. We're gonna use this to make your promotional photos. The snow covered city will give that extra something we need. We didn't really prepare for it, but we don't know how fast the snow can disappear, so we better use this day.''

''I'm so excited!'' Laura tells her three co-stars while they walk towards their rooms to get their makeup done and clothes sorted out. Stepping into the elevator, she fixes her still messy hair. In the mirror of the elevator, she sees Ross staring at her. She answers his look with a wide smile, but in response only gets a little shake from his head, seeming to wake up from a trance, and a small smile.

''Let's meet in the hallway in fifteen, kay?'' Raini asks them and they all nod before all returning to their own rooms where their personal stylists wait to dress them for the photo shoot. They would get their first set of clothes and makeup on, while the rest would get transported to their shooting scenes, which were still a surprise.

They had all been dressed in their character's styles with a touch of their own taste. Raini had a shiny purple coat on with aspects of animal print, Calum wore bright orange pants with a nice, brown coat over it, like he could've chosen himself, Ross wore the coat and scarf he had worn in the first scene, topped off with his red sneakers and Laura had traded her high black heels in for something more comfortable. Medium high, brown cowboy boots, dark jeans and a light brown coat, just a shade lighter than her chestnut curls, which hung loosely on both sides of her face.

Entering the elevator again, Calum reveals his phone, holding it in front of him horizontally.

''This asks for a selfie.'' And he starts posing against the wall of the elevator, the usual model pose he uses often. Raini holds up a peace sign and sticks out her tongue, while Laura grabs hold of Ross's red scarf and holds it in front of her nose and mouth, so only her big, brown eyes are visible. A single curl hangs over the scarf. Just before Calum snaps the photo, Ross grabs one of Laura's big curls and curls it around his finger, looking at the camera with a confused face. A snap sound tells them the photo has been taken and they all gather around Calum's phone to see it.

''Cute photo! Post it on Instagram!'' Calum taps the share button, ''I'm gonna check it now.'' Raini comments and laughs seconds later. ''Met these random kids in the elevator, they seem cool, even though they keep calling me 'Dez'. Send a search team if I haven't updated in 3 hours. Love that caption, Calum.'' Calum grins at her compliment and scrolls through the comments that are already beginning to flow. Some are questions about the movie, some telling them they're babies, they're used to it, and some are the endless Raura comments. They always make them laugh.

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