Chapter 6

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They found the restaurant pretty quickly. It had a classic 80s vibe with red booths, bright neon lights and black-white walls. Loud music was playing and a few people were on the improvised dance floor, because, apparently, it was 'Swing-Saturday'. They scanned the large area until they saw the mop of red hair with his hand up and walked up to him.

''Great choice, Calum. This looks like fun!'' Raini praises him. She takes a seat next to Laura and swings along with the catchy tune that was playing. As soon as she is settled in, she tells Calum the Abercrombie story, not forgetting any detail. They all drop their winter jackets against the back of the red couch.

Ross takes the seat next to Calum without saying a word and looks through the menu. Feeling Laura's eyes on him, he looks over the edge of the menu card and sees her scanning his face, silently asking him what's wrong. He shakes his head slightly, trying to reassure her that everything's fine. Getting the message, Laura tries to change the subject.

''So, have you guys seen anything good yet? I'm gonna go for the pasta for sure,'' she asks the rest of the group. A while later they order their food and just as the waitress leaves, Laura hears a very familiar song intro.

''Raini! Taylor! Let's go!'' She cheers and pulls Raini out of the booth. They run to the dance floor where many other people have stepped on when they heard 'Shake It Off' playing.

''You weren't happy with those models either, were you,'' Calum suddenly questions Ross. He leans against the back of the soft couch and crosses his arms.

''Of course not, everyone knows those guys aren't good news, except the girls who like them,'' he admits to his friend while thinking back to the way Laura flirted with the arrogant guy.

Calum watches the girls another minute before apologising. They see Laura and Raini in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by a dozen other people but, somehow, all the attention goes to them. Taking each other's hands, they dance on one of their favourite songs. The girls notice the guys watching them and wave at them happily. When Laura spots Ross staring with an empty look in his eyes, she almost wants to go back to figure out what has been bugging him all day but changes her mind when he turns away.

''Sorry to leave you standing there, dude.'' Calum slaps his shoulder and Ross shrugs while smiling to tell him it's okay. The song ends and the girls return to the table.

''What an awful idea to wear heels today,'' Laura complains and rubs her painful heel. They take their seat again and Ross is about to start a new subject when he hears a certain melody. Getting an idea, he starts grinning and turns his attention to Laura. She notices this and looks at him curiously.

''Are you sure you can't do one more dance?'' He asks her while standing up. Her face lights up when she sees what he's doing, but shakes her head, still uncomfortable in her high heels and not feeling like being in the spotlight, knowing it's his talent to collect all the attention in the room. Ross puts one arm behind his back, gentleman-ish, and holds out one hand for her to grab.

''You know you want it, Laur.'' And he starts singing, looking at her while he does it.

''My name is Austin, nice to meet you, can I tell you, baby?''  He changes his name, which makes Laura grin but still doesn't take his hand. Raini and Calum watch the scene laughing and some people on the dance floor have noticed them too.

''Look around, there's a whole lot of pretty ladies.'' He gestures to the whole room after nudging Calum while nodding approvingly. After looking around, his eyes land on her again. Subtly dropping to the floor, resting one knee and one foot on the floor, he sits in front of her. Laura hides her huge smile behind her hand and looks at Raini. Raini signs that she should dance with him by giving her the shoo shoo gesture.

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