Chapter 18

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As the sun sets outside, a red glow enters Laura's room though the split between the large brown curtains. She sits in her bed straight up, her back resting against a pillow against the headboard. The whole room is a mess, clothes on the floor, empty water bottles on her nightstand and a bin full of tissues next to the bed.

Because of her accident the other day, Laura had gotten a day off, while the rest were rehearsing somewhere in the hotel. The ice cold water ended up giving her a severe cold and lying in bed all day had done her good. With her nose being not as red as it was that morning and the pain in her throat slowly fading, Laura felt rather good.

She was currently reading a magazine Raini lent her to get through the dull day with her laptop open next to her to check her social media regularly. She was just humming a song when a soft melody interrupted the sound as she shifted her attention to her laptop. A black screen with a small photo, showing her blonde friend, told her she had gotten an invitation to skype. Smiling, she clicks the green button to accept the call.

''Andrew!'' She exclaims happily as he appears in front of her, sitting on his desk. His hair was messily covered by a snapback as he was smiling at her.

''Hey, Laura! I just wanted to make sure you were okay after the whole incident. How are you?'' He greets her by waving at the camera.

''That's really sweet. I'm pretty well, I'm having a day off today to recover from a cold, but I feel good. How about you, anything new there?''

''Not much, I've been driving a lot now that I'm allowed to. Just visiting places and stuff like that. How was your birthday, by the way?''

''Oh, it was amazing! Did you watch our live stream?'' She leaves out the part of the day that she fought with Ross, which was pretty much the whole day. ''And did you see my shout out?''

''Of course! And I did see the shout out, that was something I wanted to talk about, actually,'' Laura looks at her screen confused. What could he possibly be wanting to ask her about her showing her fans his bracelet? ''What was up with you and Ross?''

''What do you mean?'' Laura noticeably swallows as she asks him while stuttering. Andrew examines her face with narrowed eyes.

''It just looked like there was something going on. Like how he practically threw an arm around you.'' She quickly shakes her head, defending herself and Ross without hesitation.

''Ross was just messing around, you know how our fans are.'' She looks down while explaining his behaviour when suddenly realising something. Who is he to ask her about her friendship with her co-stars and more importantly, who is she to actually feel the need to defend herself? When she looks in his eyes, she sees him looking at her judgingly. ''Why do you care?''

''I don't, really. It's just that I'm not sure how we... Are,'' Andrew answers, quickly changing his gaze to look at her sweetly. She's still looking at him with a frown. ''I mean, what we are.''

'What we are,'' she repeats to justify if she heard him correctly. As he nods, she remembers how he had said goodbye at the airport. After giving her the present, she had given him a long hug. Was there a possibility that he had gotten the wrong message? ''We are fine.''

''Fine? Laura, I don't think I'm okay with us being fine,'' Andrew chuckles, raising his eyebrows suggestively and somehow it makes her roll her eyes. In his attempt to be charming, he didn't quite succeed. Feeling frustrated with her friend, she's determined to make sure this conversation comes to a stop ASAP.

''That's really your problem then, isn't it? Goodbye, Andrew.'' And with that, she closes her laptop with one hand. Furious, she grabs the closest magazine and throws it to the other end of the bed, where it lands with some wrinkles and rips in the pages. She crosses her arms in front of her chest while staring at the end of the bed. If there was one thing she hated, it was people giving their not-asked-for-opinions on her relationships with her friends.

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