Chapter 25

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''I knew it! You remember when I warned you? I feel that kind of things.'' Trish shakes her head. Ally eyes her up and down with eyebrows raised.

''You want a pat on the shoulder for that?'' She asks her sarcastically. Trish shrugs surprised as she holds her hands up. ''Look, most important thing now is to catch them. We need to stop them before they actually bring the songs out as their own.''

''Are you talking about the word I'm thinking about?'' Trish smirks confidently.

''I want revenge and I want it good. Do you have any ideas?'' Ally knew Raini was the person to go to for revenge and with a little idea swapping, they should have the perfect plan soon.

''I need information before I can think of something. What do we have against them?''

''I know Austin has proof Stacy took photos of my book. Also, a recording where Stacy and Tyler were talking about my song, I haven't heard it yet,'' she starts adding up the proof they have. ''Maybe more, I'm not sure.''

''That's definitely something we can work with. So what kind of revenge do you want? We can go soft and show them the evidence we have, so they can't bring out the song. Or we can do it my way, catch them red handed with lots of people and cameras,'' Trish talks about it with a glimmer in her eyes, showing how much she loves to plan revenge like this.

''I won't go soft on them, anything but that. But I want to go bigger than cameras. We need to show them we are not people you want to mess with,'' Ally nods slowly as she starts thinking about her plan, staring in the distance. Trish smiles at her determined friend as she nods with her.

''I like this Ally a lot. With my genius knowledge about revenge itself and your brains, we can think of the biggest plan in history.''

''Great rehearsal, girls. I want the boys for their scene once more before we shoot it. If you see them on your way up, could you tell them to come down?'' They nod before saluting the crew as they walk away from the set.

''I'll see you when we shoot later, I need to call my dad for a sec.'' Raini types a combination of numbers in her phone before holding it next to her air as they step out of the elevator.

''Sure, see you in a few,'' Laura waves her goodbye as she walks to her room, leaving Raini behind in the elevator which is going further up. As she's skipping down the hall, she puts her hand in her right back pocket of her blue jeans, grabbing the white pass to open her door as she walks closer to it. A strong arm makes her change direction, though, wrapping itself around her waist, turning her around.

''Hey, you,'' Ross whispers as he kisses her lips softly. Right in front of her door, in the small gap in the hall that gives two doors per gap a few feet room till the hall starts, Ross cages Laura in against the wall. One hand is placed next to her head, his other one on her hip, where she's blocked by the other wall.

''Hey, you,'' she giggles as she answers his kiss. ''I needed to tell you to go downstairs quickly, they need you for rehearsal."

''Hm, now?'' He groans as he attacks her lips another time, more hungrily this time.

''Yes, now. You better hurry or they'll start without you.'' Laura turns her head so his kisses land right beside her mouth. He looks at her with a pout when he notices.

''Start without me? I think they'll wait a minute.'' And he tries to capture her lips again which she dodges easily. With each failed try she sees him get more impatient as she laughs to herself.

''So cocky.'' She looks at Ross with faked disproval as she wraps her arms around his neck to support herself. He rolls his eyes after another missed kiss which lands just on the corner of her mouth.

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