Chapter 30

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After Laura drifted asleep, Ross had made sure she was covered so she wouldn't get cold in the thin fabric of her lacy dress. He had taken off his shirt and shoes so he would lay more comfortable and fell asleep on the same pillow. Now, it was morning and Laura was still sound asleep as he got woken up by the light coming through the curtains.

Her hair was draped over the pillow as she was lying on her back, facing him, breathing slowly. Ross lies on his side as he keeps looking at her, finding new little details over and over again that keep his attention on her. The way her eyelashes shiver sometimes, letting him know she's still dreaming. Her eyebrows, how the thin arches frown but relax after a second in her sleep. The pleasant sighs she lets out as she turns around so her body faces him, her eyes still closed.

A small smile appears on her face, her arms moving as she stretches, still refusing to open her eyes. As soon as her hands hit Ross' chest, she freezes and her eyebrows frown in confusion. Blindly feeling the surface, she tries to understand what is in her way. Ross chuckles while covering her hands with his own as she opens her eyes, finally. Staring at him with wide eyes, she looks at his easy smile.

''I stayed the night,'' sighing in disbelief, she looks at him questioning. He nods confirming while her eyes leave his face to drift down, to the bare skin of his chest. ''And you're not wearing a shirt.''

''Is that a problem?'' He laughs while stretching and runs a hand through his messy bed-hair. Still feeling her stare on him, he looks down to see her eyes lowering, even more, to stare at the part of his body covered by the covers. Ross rolls his eyes. ''Relax, I'm wearing pants.''

''Great,'' she sarcastically comments and opens the covers and jumps off of the bed, pulling the skirt of her dress down so it covers everything it needs to cover again. Quickly, she starts collecting her things. ''I need to go right now, where the fuck are my shoes?''

''Why are you so freaked out?'' He steps out of bed while grabbing his phone to check the time. ''Oh, shit, it's late.''

''No shit! I can't let anyone see me looking like this.'' Entering the bathroom, she tries to flatten her hair with her hands, which stubbornly just keeps defying gravity like Laura's used to in the morning.

''Who cares, it's not like anything happened,'' Ross smirks as he tries to locate his own shoes now. She rolls her eyes at him as she inspects the leftover lipstick on her lips.

''Really, Ross? Does it look like nothing happened?'' Pointing at her full body with a desperate look in her eyes, she tries to send the message. Her messy hair, wrinkled clothes and still slightly swollen lips might give another idea to anyone that may see her in the hall.

''Yeah, now that you mention it, I might've left some marks right there.'' He points at his own neck with a guilty smirk, much enjoying how he marked her, still being able to hear her soft moan from the night before. Laura gasps as she moves closer to the mirror, inspecting her neck while stretching it. On the surface about three small, red spots are visible, a bigger one really stands out. Jokingly, Ross judgingly comments while walking up to her, ''Ally Dawson with hickeys, who could've known?''

''This is all your fault.'' She pushes him out of her way and walks out of the bathroom, shaking her head. On one hand, she loved how the marks reminded her of last night, the amazing feeling Ross managed to give her. On the other, she had to face the cast and crew, not having the skills to cover them all up perfectly and just the mere thought made her extremely anxious.

''Ross, are you ready? Today is the last table reading and we would love it if you could be there on time.'' Raini knocks on the door a few times while yelling at him sarcastically. They hear Calum on the other side laughing as they wait for him to open the door. Silently debating, Laura eventually nods at the door, gesturing for him to open. They would get even more suspicious if Ross wouldn't answer. Just as he opens the door on a small crack, his body filling all the space so they weren't able to see into the room, Raini asks him another question. ''And do you know where Laura is? She's not answering.''

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