Chapter 20

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''So, that guy used his hockey stick to trip the other player so now he's charged with a penalty, which means he's sent off the ice for two minutes, unless the other team scores a goal, then he gets to play again,'' Ross explains with a loud voice, trying to overwhelm the cheering from the supporters surrounding them. ''And it's okay to hit with your body an opponent, but only if he has the puck.''

They had tickets for seats quite close to the ice, almost face to face with the players. Not too close to miss some of the action, not even knowing where to look, and not too far that you couldn't see the puck. Since they bought four tickets, they had two extra chairs to lay their stuff on. They decided to sit on the two middle chairs, so they would have enough space.

''But, isn't that super dangerous? If you fall, other people will skate, like, over you.'' Laura enjoys the explanation, having little to no knowledge about hockey. Ross was more than happy to explain every little rule to her, being extremely excited about showing how much he knew about his favourite sport. ''Did that ever happen to you?''

''It's not that bad, you have a lot of protection. Of course, it's part of the game. I've got a few scars from skates on my face and arms,'' Ross laughs as he lifts his hair to uncover his forehead, showing her a faded scar. She runs her thumb over it, cocking her head a bit. 

''Sounds painful. Glad you don't have any murderous, knife-like on your feet in soccer. I wouldn't be alive if that was the case,'' she mutters while throwing some popcorn in her mouth before holding the paper sack up in front of him. He grabs a hand full himself as he keeps following the game, his eyes never leaving the field. ''Thanks for buying the popcorn, by the way. I would've paid myself, you know.

''Don't mention it. You're sharing with me, right. It wouldn't be right to let the lady pay for it herself.'' Ross winks at her as he laughs at her stuffed cheeks full of popcorn, which makes her resemble a little chipmunk. She chews for a few seconds before answering.

''You almost make it sound like a date, mister,'' Laura pokes is his side, hiding her grin behind her hand. Ross chokes on the soda he just took a sip of, coughing as he stares at her. After calming down, he's about to say something, before Laura hits him on the chest with two hands and points up.

Following her arm, he sees what she means. The big screen in front of them shows two people, a boy and a girl, sitting in the middle of four chairs. The girl, wearing black jeans and a leather jacket, is hitting the boy rapidly, a big smile on her face before waving at the big screen. The blonde guy is watching the screen in confusion before realising the situation. He smirks as he gives the camera a small wave and watches the girl next to him clapping her hands.

After only a few seconds, the camera shifts to the game again, showing other people in the audience. Laura sits back in her chair, shaking her curls out of her face. The people behind them still laugh, after spotting themselves in the corner of the screen.

''So those were our few seconds of fame, huh. Did this get on TV?'' Laura asks Ross in which he nods.

''I think it did. I bet the boys saw it, they never miss a game of Avalanche.'' he grins, but frown when he thinks of what it must've looked like. He didn't tell them about tonight and it must look like something it's not for people who don't know the story behind it, just the two of them.

A loud buzzer announces the second intermission of the game. The players stop their play and skate towards the exit of the rink. They remove their helmets and Laura inspects each of them individually since it's the first change she's has gotten to look at them with their faces uncovered.

''Who's number 29?'' She asks Ross, her eyes not leaving the certain brown haired guy bumping fists with another teammate.

''29? I think that's the goalkeeper, Reto Berra. He's Swedish,'' he answers her while checking his phone absentmindedly. ''Why?''

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