Chapter 36

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It was that time of the year again.

Award season.

She hadn't seen him since they came back from Italy, Calum and Raini even longer. Fully focussing on her music and college, she had isolated herself from all her friends and even her family sometimes. They weren't stupid, they knew what was going on, but not all of it and Laura didn't have enough energy in her body to enlighten them or enough power to hold the tears again while reliving the moment.

She had been absent during the Kids' Choice Awards, a consequent of a well-planned trip to an event her record label planned in some European country. She hadn't even enjoyed it that much, the whole week was a blur, but it was better than having to face people she had been ignoring for quite a while without giving them a reason for it.

But this time, she couldn't escape it. The Radio Disney Music Awards.

Out of everyone, her sister had seen her most after the breakup and seeing Laura's state, she didn't interfere with it, which she was grateful for. Figuring the two sisters always went to the award shows together, this time was no change. Laura didn't mind. Vanessa didn't ask questions, she just stayed by her side and made the occasional light joke to clear any tension. She couldn't ask for a better partner in this event she was forced to participate at.

''That top looks amazing on you!'' Laura jumps when she hears Vanessa's high squeal and turns around. Leaning against her door post, already fully dressed, makeup and hair on point, she's eying her with a loving smile. ''Do you want me to look for a skirt for underneath it?''

''That's okay, I'm wearing my yellow one with the strappy wedges,'' she gives her a short, thankful smile as she looks at her outfit. ''Since when are you the one who proposes to wear colour?''

''Not my first choice, but I figured we could use some happy thoughts in our clothes,'' Vanessa answers while letting her hands brush over the black and pink fabric of her tight dress. She would do her a favour by matching her colourful outfit, but eventually, she would always add a dash of black. ''The makeup crew is ready whenever you are.''

''Thanks, I'll be there in a bit,'' after her sister leaves, Laura opens her closed to reveal one of her favourite skirts. The elastic, yellow fabric hugged her hips perfectly and stopped on the perfect height; short enough to be named sexy, but not enough to get the wrong idea. After wrapping the show, she found herself finally having the courage to wear the more daring outfits in her closet. As long as she covered enough, she could show all the skin she wanted to. Especially the bareback tops were her favourite, including her well-worn, black jumpsuit she had worn on several occasions.

After double-checking her reflection, from top to bottom, she heads towards the living room, where the stylists would take care of her makeup and hair. After that, there was no turning back.

After having done a few interviews with Vanessa, they both decided to do a few alone, both to promote their own stuff individually. Laura was just moving on from one interview before getting tapped on her shoulder.

''Hey, stranger,'' the tiny girl greets her with a wide smile. Laura's eyes widen before attacking her with a tight hug. ''It's been a while.''

''I'm so sorry Raini, I've been-'' she gives her a guilty look, knowing it's been extremely selfish of her to ignore her friends like she did before Raini holds up one hand.

''Don't apologize, I get it,'' she admits, showing her a heartfelt smile. Laura looks at her confused before she explains. ''News travels fast in Hollywood.''

''Of course,'' Laura comes to mind, realizing everyone must've known from the moment the word was out, including her friends. That didn't make up for her behaviour, though, she knew that. ''I'm really happy to see you again.''

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