Chapter 4

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Ross enters the huge terminal of LAX and checks his phone for any messages.

We're waiting for you at gate 4, hurry dude! – Calum

He rolls his eyes, knowing that he's barely five minutes late, but hurries to the right gate anyway. Carrying a single bag, wearing a grey hoodie, torn jeans and a yellow beanie, he finally arrives at the gate, after checking in and dropping off his large black suitcase. He spots the cast and crew from a large distance. Everyone is dressed in hoodies just like him, knowing it can be very cold in airplanes, except for the tinier girl.

In jeans and just a T-shirt, carrying a small bag which has no chance of containing something like a sweater, she stands there, oblivious to the very wrong choices she made while preparing for the flight. As he gets closer, everyone notices him, except for her, standing with her back turned to him. He stops his pace right behind her and stuffs his hands in the muff attached to his hoodie.

''Seriously? You're wearing that?'' He asks her judgingly. She quickly turns around, looking at his chest first, which is at eye height and then looks up.

''Look who's unprofessional now, ten whole minutes late. And what's wrong with what I'm wearing?'' She asks him genuinely surprised and checks her outfit doubtfully.

''You know that it's practically freezing up there, right.'' He looks at her bare arms and neck, not covered by her hair that she put in a messy bun. Even her feet were covered by just the black leather of her medium-high heels. He practically gets shivers just looking at her.

''I'll be fine. It can't be that bad, right?'' She asks the other people around her, who answer by just nodding their heads slowly with a sympathetic look in their eyes, almost apologising for her naïve thoughts. When she looks back at Ross, a frown between her eyebrows has appeared. She then shrugs, still not caring about the mistake she had yet to realise.

At that moment, a woman in an airport uniform comes out of the doors leading to the plane and goes to stand behind the little desk.

''Business class may enter the plane now.'' The lady announces and they all grab their stuff. In a queue, they show their tickets and passports to enter the doors behind her.

''Laura, we're gonna have so much fun! I hope you didn't plan on sleeping this flight, cause I'm definitely not,'' Raini tells Laura after catching up to her while walking in the gangway, leading to the plane.

''Actually, I was planning on sleeping. Time zones, remember? Freaking six hours!'' Laura calls out which makes the two boys walking in front of her laugh out loud. She shoves Calum while telling them that she's very serious. They arrive at their seats quickly and take their places.

''I call window!'' Laura yells and pushes Raini out of the way. She quickly drops her bag at her feet and flops down in the seat next to the window. She looks up to see Raini looking down on her annoyed.

''What? I can't sleep without resting my head against something.'' Laura shrugs.

''You're not gonna sleep!'' Raini yells at her while stuffing her bag in the compartment above her head and takes a seat next to her.

''Try and stop me!'' She tells Raini stubbornly and crosses her arms and legs. Jeez, Ross wasn't kidding when he said it would be cold. She shivers. The crew probably will turn on some heater once they're in the air.

''Oh, trust me. I will.'' And Laura knew she didn't make the right decision by asking Raini to sit next to her.

The plane gradually started to fill up and after about twenty minutes it was up in the air. The seatbelts on-sign got turned off and like it was a signal, Raini clicked her seatbelt loose and started shaking Laura. It seemed like she just wanted to annoy her by talking like a mad person about everything she could think of; the colour blue, movies, her obsession for strawberries and TV shows. Laura groans, leans her head against the chair, and covers her ears with her hands.

'I watched Modern Family last night and your little brother killed it, it was so hilarious.'' They suddenly heard Calum say. Looking up, they see that the redhead had turned around and was looking at them over the back of his chair.

''YES! You can talk with Raini about that! Calum, switch places with me, now.'' Laura commands him and stands up.

''Awesome! Ross is just listening to music, he's no fun either.'' He commands and steps over Ross's long, stretched legs, who just noticed the situation. Next thing he sees is Laura climbing over the seat next to him and landing softly. Next to her, Ross sits in his comfortable grey hoodie, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his big headphones covering his ears over his beanie.

''Just as flexible as in the Jessie Crossover, huh?'' He asks her while grinning.

''Very funny. I heard you were listening to music, you mind me sleeping here?'' Laura asks him while making herself comfortable in the new chair. She lays her head against the hard wall next to her and closes her eyes.

''Knock yourself out. You sure you're not too cold?'' He examines her arms, which are clearly covered in goose pimples. She just shakes her head, not wanting to give in. Ross smirks at her stubbornness and leans back, enjoying his music.

From the corner of his eye, he sees Laura struggling to get comfortable. She keeps moving her head to find a better spot to rest it on the hard wall, while her hands clench around her arm rest. Knowing Laura too well, he knows exactly what she's gonna ask soon. After a few minutes of clear tossing and turning, she shyly turns to Ross.

''Ross, do you mind-'' she speaks.

''No, I don't. Come here,'' he assures her and signals with a nod of his head to lean against him. She smiles relieved and lets out a soft thanks. Changing her position, she wraps her legs underneath herself, leans her head on Ross's shoulder and wraps her hands around his lower arm. Sighing contently, she nuzzles up against him.

''Your hands are awfully cold,'' Ross states with a whisper and looks at her peaceful face, closed eyes and a small smile lying on her closed lips. He doesn't mind that much, actually.

''Shut up. I need something to hold when I sleep.'' She shivers again. Figuring she can't be comfortable if she's still cold, Ross cautiously reaches into his bag so he doesn't disturb Laura too much. He grabs a spare warm, dark blue hoodie he had packed and throws it around her shoulders with one hand.

When feeling the warmth that was suddenly draped around her shoulders, Laura opens one eye. Noticing the thick hoodie, she smiles and looks up to Ross who is looking down at her and nods, signalling for her to go to sleep. Laura closes her one eye and squeezes his arm as a 'thank you'. Minutes later, Ross senses her body relaxing and her breathing becoming evener.

Not noticing the phone hanging above them, he relaxes too and closes his eyes. The camera snaps a photo, showing the two in the positions they're in. Two thumbs with neon pink nail polish type a caption.

''This is so going on Instagram,'' Raini says to herself and hits the post button.

This movie is gonna be a wild ride, I can feel it. #Auslly

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