Chapter 8

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''You have just arrived at Central Park, this is where we will shoot multiple scenes. Two big fans of yours have won a contest to meet you here and hang out with you a few days. They're also into music and want to record a song with you. You meet them here.'' Kevin explains. The cast had met the two that morning, Monica and Tyler who would play brother and sister, Stacy and Toby. A pretty blonde girl and tall blond boy, they had been excited to meet the four, also being fans of the show. The two actually were related in real life, that's why they looked like each other a lot and had gotten the parts easily.

''Scene one, arrival at Central Park, take one. Action!'' A guy calls while clapping the clapperboard and the cast turns into their characters. Ross quickly grabs Laura's hand, knowing they have to act like a couple, at which Laura smiles at him and squeezes his hand.

''I can't believe we're back in New York, I love it here!'' Ally exclaims happily and the three laugh at her excitement. They look around, taking it all in.

''It's our first vacation together,'' Austin tells Ally in particular and lets go of her hand to wrap her in a side hug, both smiling and closing their eyes, enjoying each other's embrace. After letting go, Austin's arm stays around Ally's shoulders while her arm touches his waist. They see Trish and Dez looking at them adoring.

''I'm so bummed Jace couldn't come, I mean, winter in New York, that's the most romantic thing ever! He has a big skateboard competition tomorrow and he couldn't miss it.'' Trish pouts while looking at them. Dez nods understanding.

''Carrie is still in LA and she couldn't fly here for only a few days. It would be amazing to show her New York, she's never been here.,' he agrees with her and looks around sadly. It seems like a lot of couples decided to visit New York this time of the year, because all around them people walk in pairs, holding hands. ''I miss her so much, I even brought my Carrie pillow with me. It has her face on it.'' The three friends look at him weirdly, hearing this for the first time and, honestly, kinda scaring them.

''Anyway, we're supposed to meet the winners of the competition here. Does anyone know what they look like?'' Austin asks them while scanning the people around them.

''I think I found them.'' Ally suddenly laughs while tapping his chest and pointing at a boy and girl standing a few feet away. They carry a sign, saying AUSTIN AND ALLY #1 FANS. They look around, squealing when they spot the four and run over to them, smiling widely.

''OMG, I can't believe I'm actually meeting you guys, you're the most talented people in the world!'' The girl exclaims while jumping up and down. Austin and Ally exchange a surprising look and laugh before giving each of them a hug.

''Yeah, we're your biggest fans in the world, we can't wait to spend time with you!'' The boy adds. ''We're Stacy and Toby, we're also musicians, still learning, though. We would love it if you could give us some tips.''

''Sure! I mean, we could work on a song together in the next few days if you'd like,'' Austin tells them and Ally nods, agreeing.

''That would be A-mazing,'' Stacy screams happily. She then spots Trish and Dez who are standing a few feet away. ''No way, you're Trish and Dez! It's so awesome to meet you!'' She hugs them tightly.

''Thanks, Stacy, great to meet you too! Are you always this energetic?'' Trish asks her, looking at her weirdly. Stacy just laughs and nods. Ally shoves Trish softly, warning her, in which she just shrugs.

''Show us your stuff, then we'll see what we can do,'' Austin tells them and they make their way towards the hotel.

''Cut!'' The director calls. ''Good job guys! Let's do that one more time. Monica, your energy is great for the character, keep that up. Tyler, I need you to turn your body a little more towards the camera.''

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